Ask RamandaB Japan: #1 - Japanese Yen
The first installment of one of my new segments called Ask RamandaB Japan! In this video I give a very basic description of the bills and coins used in Japan...
Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN #2: How to prepare your Japanese Yen
Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN #2: How to prepare your Japanese Yen http://youtu.be/D-uLHGkgNso
I explain Money in Japan.
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
I explain “Money in Japan”.
In this video, I explain how to prepare your Japanese Yen for your trip to Japan
Amazing Japanese Dollar (100 yen) Store! DAISO ダイソー最高です
★ 字幕はCCボタン押してねー!英語も日本語も出来ます♫ Click the CC button for English or Japanese subtitles ★ Here's a tour of the Daiso (100 yen store) in Harajuku! Totally recommend this shop for so many things!! The things I buy most often are eyelashes, stickers, stationary, baking goods and household stuff ^^
♥︎Japanese subtitles were submitted by https://www.youtube.com/user/BradfromBradford
Check out his channel!
HUGE 100 Yen Store! (GoPro Japan!)
Part 2: Food! ダイソー¥100 Yen Store Part2-FOOD Section (GoPro Japan!) [HD] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbMr1F4hf-w ▻I enjoy posting on Instagram:◅ http://ins...
Life in Japan: Yen
Woah Nelly, time to learn about cash monay! It's too freaken hot out right now, wtf. AND I have this splitting headache from watching so much tv today... aiy...
Princes of the Yen: Central Bank Truth Documentary 『円の支配者』
“Princes of the Yen: Central Banks and the Transformation of the Economy” reveals how Japanese society was transformed to suit the agenda and desire of powerful interest groups, and how citizens were kept entirely in the dark about this.
Based on a book by Professor Richard Werner, a visiting researcher at the Bank of Japan during the 90s crash, during which the stock market dropped by 80% and ho
Japanese Yen!!! Mo' Money...Mo' Problems lol
I couldn't very well go to Japan without getting my hands on some Japanese Yen... now I just have to figure out how to use it LOL!!!
Japanese Yen WILL depreciate! Toshio Masuda Interview
International business analyst Toshio Masuda, an advisor to governments around the world, chats with Cambridge House Live anchor Bridgitte Anderson about Jap...
Banknotes of the Japanese yen【日本銀行券】
The banknotes of the Japanese yen are part of the physical form of Japan's currency. The issuance of the yen banknotes began in 1872, two years after the cur...
Japan's yen collapse, taxes for US expats, rising cost of US healthcare
The show: http://www.nomadcapitalist.com/radio
The event: http://www.passporttofreedomevent.com
Andrew opens the show discussing the power of people when going offshore. He talks about how even the best US-based accountants often don't know what tax exemptions you may qualify for or what forms you have to file when living overseas, and why you need an overseas specialist to help you. Then, he tal
Japanese Game Center! 1,000 Yen Challenge☆ゲーセン紹介!
We will be continuing our 1000 yen challenges on LorienSpree! *And I won't let Mr. Panda cheat next time! ONLY 1000 YEN!* Do you want this Rilakkuma doll? ...
100 Yen Store in Japan
100 Yen Store (百円・百品・100円ショップ) in Japan
The 100 yen store is very popular in Japan and has been around for many years. Seria is one of the biggest chains and it sells not just small things for halloween and christmas but everyday things at 108 yen. Yes everyday things that are very cheap and most cases very good quality. There are thousands of 100 yen shops across Japan, ranging in size from multi
Weak Japanese yen slows Korea's exports to Japan
http://www.arirang.co.kr/News/News_View.asp?nseq=152448 Subscribe to Arirang News! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=arirangnews.
In-Depth: Japanese Yen and U.S. Dollar
The Yen - Japanese coins and bills
Japanese yen: coins and bills. Yay for play money! Wanna learn more about studying abroad at Kansai Gaidai University or Japan? Check my blog! http://www.bro...
Japan Vlog: 100 Yen Store Madness // emilylouisemaitland ♡
Support my channel: https://www.patreon.com/emilylouisemaitland
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Upload Schedule
On Mondays i upload a video blog of my weekend or a special occasio
Currency Crisis- Japanese Yen Collapse next in Global Financial Crisis
Currency Crisis in Japan - Upcoming Japanese Yen Collapse next up in the Global Financial Crisis. Was pretty tired when I made this video so excuse me on tha...
100 Yen: The Japanese Arcade Experience
Imagine a world where video games reign supreme. Five story buildings filled with arcade cabinets, old and new, inundate the streets of downtown Tokyo. Welcome to Japan. A FilmBuff Presentation.
Japan's Yen policy is 'Suicidal'
Bloomberg All Rights Reserved April 15 2013 US pressures Japan on currency devaluation. Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda is refusing to put a limit o...
Daiso Haul | Kawaii Japanese 100 Yen Store
▸ PREVIOUS VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MR1tLbB1sMg
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Line Play: ThaniasBeauty
ダイソー¥100 Yen Store Part2-FOOD Section (GoPro Japan!) [HD]
See part 1: HUGE 100 Yen Store! (GoPro Japan!) http://youtu.be/fbMr1F4hf-w -------------------------------------- 外国人が一番好きな日本の言葉は? What's your favorite Japan...
Japan, How It Is - 100 YEN Shop (The DAISO)
100 YEN stores are your one stop EVERYTHING shop. Part of the World How It Is project: Come and see the world through our eyes: http://www.youtube.com/worldh...
JAPANESE YEN COINS ~ featuring Buddhist Temple Artwork
Several japanese yen coins that were in with an auction I purchased earlier today. We had to translate the Japanese language on them to determine the years. ...
Ask RamandaB Japan: #1 - Japanese Yen
The first installment of one of my new segments called Ask RamandaB Japan! In this video I give a very basic description of the bills and coins used in Japan......
The first installment of one of my new segments called Ask RamandaB Japan! In this video I give a very basic description of the bills and coins used in Japan...
wn.com/Ask Ramandab Japan 1 Japanese Yen
The first installment of one of my new segments called Ask RamandaB Japan! In this video I give a very basic description of the bills and coins used in Japan...
Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN #2: How to prepare your Japanese Yen
Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN #2: How to prepare your Japanese Yen http://youtu.be/D-uLHGkgNso
I explain Money in Japan.
Welcome to Experience Japan with...
Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN #2: How to prepare your Japanese Yen http://youtu.be/D-uLHGkgNso
I explain Money in Japan.
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
I explain “Money in Japan”.
In this video, I explain how to prepare your Japanese Yen for your trip to Japan. As I explain in the previous video (Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN (Japanese Money) #1: Ways you pay in JAPAN), if you travel Japan, you need to get ready your cash at hand, because there are situations where you can’t use credit card in Japan.
I share information about how to exchange your money to Japanese yen to how to withdraw your money from ATMs in Japan. I give you a basic idea to deal with currency problem in Japan.
Here is the information I mentioned in the video:
★ General Comparison in currency rates
★ Information about ATMs at Seven Eleven
Music: Thank You to Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Thank you so much for watching travel video by Experience JAPAN with YUKA.
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/expjpw
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/yuka_expjapan
My Blog: http://expja.com/ (coming up soon!)
Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss my next exploration.
You can subscribe right here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=expjpw
Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN #2: How to prepare your Japanese Yen http://youtu.be/D-uLHGkgNso
Money in japan, Japanese money, how to exchange money to Japanese yen, how to prepare Japanese yen, how to get Japanese yen in japan, Japan travel, Japanese culture, travel japan, japan travel guide, Japan tourism, japan trip, things to do in japan, Japanese girl, Japan guide, Travel japan guide, Travel japan tips, Travel japan blog, Japan travel blog, Japan travel info, Travel Japanese, Japanese travel, learn Japanese, Experience JAPAN with YUKA, YUKA
Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN #2: How to prepare your Japanese Yen http://youtu.be/D-uLHGkgNso
wn.com/Japan Travel Guide Money In Japan 2 How To Prepare Your Japanese Yen
Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN #2: How to prepare your Japanese Yen http://youtu.be/D-uLHGkgNso
I explain Money in Japan.
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
I explain “Money in Japan”.
In this video, I explain how to prepare your Japanese Yen for your trip to Japan. As I explain in the previous video (Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN (Japanese Money) #1: Ways you pay in JAPAN), if you travel Japan, you need to get ready your cash at hand, because there are situations where you can’t use credit card in Japan.
I share information about how to exchange your money to Japanese yen to how to withdraw your money from ATMs in Japan. I give you a basic idea to deal with currency problem in Japan.
Here is the information I mentioned in the video:
★ General Comparison in currency rates
★ Information about ATMs at Seven Eleven
Music: Thank You to Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Thank you so much for watching travel video by Experience JAPAN with YUKA.
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/expjpw
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/yuka_expjapan
My Blog: http://expja.com/ (coming up soon!)
Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss my next exploration.
You can subscribe right here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=expjpw
Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN #2: How to prepare your Japanese Yen http://youtu.be/D-uLHGkgNso
Money in japan, Japanese money, how to exchange money to Japanese yen, how to prepare Japanese yen, how to get Japanese yen in japan, Japan travel, Japanese culture, travel japan, japan travel guide, Japan tourism, japan trip, things to do in japan, Japanese girl, Japan guide, Travel japan guide, Travel japan tips, Travel japan blog, Japan travel blog, Japan travel info, Travel Japanese, Japanese travel, learn Japanese, Experience JAPAN with YUKA, YUKA
Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN #2: How to prepare your Japanese Yen http://youtu.be/D-uLHGkgNso
- published: 06 Nov 2014
- views: 12
Amazing Japanese Dollar (100 yen) Store! DAISO ダイソー最高です
★ 字幕はCCボタン押してねー!英語も日本語も出来ます♫ Click the CC button for English or Japanese subtitles ★ Here's a tour of the Daiso (100 yen store) in Harajuku! Totally recommend t...
★ 字幕はCCボタン押してねー!英語も日本語も出来ます♫ Click the CC button for English or Japanese subtitles ★ Here's a tour of the Daiso (100 yen store) in Harajuku! Totally recommend this shop for so many things!! The things I buy most often are eyelashes, stickers, stationary, baking goods and household stuff ^^
♥︎Japanese subtitles were submitted by https://www.youtube.com/user/BradfromBradford
Check out his channel! Awesome guy! :D
♥︎I have a 2nd channel that I regularly update~^^♥︎
SHARLA'S LIFE http://www.youtube.com/sharlainjapan
♥︎♥︎ I started using TSU! Come join me! ♥︎♥︎
** I'm hoping I can eventually replace Facebook with this in the future, I like it a lot more!! It's like a combination of Facebook and Instagram, but everyone can monetise their profiles and earn money! If we are going to spend all our time on social media, might as well make some money from it right? haha. Hope you guys like it too! Let's grow the community! **
♥︎I'm addicted to Twitter and Instagram so follow me there too♥︎
FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/jyuusankaidan
TWITTER http://twitter.com/sharlainjapan
INSTAGRAM sharlainjapan
♥︎I also have a blog for things that don't make it to video♥︎
BLOG http://sharlainjapan.blogspot.jp
Music: YouTube Audio Library
I film with my Sony nex 5r and edit with Final Cut Pro :)
Thanks for watching (and for reading the description box because no one ever does that so I love youuuu)!!! :)
Sharla xx
♡Keywords♡ Sharlainjapan, Sharla in Japan, シャーラ, Japanese, English, 日本語, 英語, バイリンガル, 外国人, Daiso, Harajuku, dollar store, 100 yen store, 100均、ダイソー, souvenirs, makeup, fake eyelashes, green tea, snacks, つけまつげ
wn.com/Amazing Japanese Dollar (100 Yen) Store Daiso ダイソー最高です
★ 字幕はCCボタン押してねー!英語も日本語も出来ます♫ Click the CC button for English or Japanese subtitles ★ Here's a tour of the Daiso (100 yen store) in Harajuku! Totally recommend this shop for so many things!! The things I buy most often are eyelashes, stickers, stationary, baking goods and household stuff ^^
♥︎Japanese subtitles were submitted by https://www.youtube.com/user/BradfromBradford
Check out his channel! Awesome guy! :D
♥︎I have a 2nd channel that I regularly update~^^♥︎
SHARLA'S LIFE http://www.youtube.com/sharlainjapan
♥︎♥︎ I started using TSU! Come join me! ♥︎♥︎
** I'm hoping I can eventually replace Facebook with this in the future, I like it a lot more!! It's like a combination of Facebook and Instagram, but everyone can monetise their profiles and earn money! If we are going to spend all our time on social media, might as well make some money from it right? haha. Hope you guys like it too! Let's grow the community! **
♥︎I'm addicted to Twitter and Instagram so follow me there too♥︎
FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/jyuusankaidan
TWITTER http://twitter.com/sharlainjapan
INSTAGRAM sharlainjapan
♥︎I also have a blog for things that don't make it to video♥︎
BLOG http://sharlainjapan.blogspot.jp
Music: YouTube Audio Library
I film with my Sony nex 5r and edit with Final Cut Pro :)
Thanks for watching (and for reading the description box because no one ever does that so I love youuuu)!!! :)
Sharla xx
♡Keywords♡ Sharlainjapan, Sharla in Japan, シャーラ, Japanese, English, 日本語, 英語, バイリンガル, 外国人, Daiso, Harajuku, dollar store, 100 yen store, 100均、ダイソー, souvenirs, makeup, fake eyelashes, green tea, snacks, つけまつげ
- published: 05 Feb 2015
- views: 6740
HUGE 100 Yen Store! (GoPro Japan!)
Part 2: Food! ダイソー¥100 Yen Store Part2-FOOD Section (GoPro Japan!) [HD] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbMr1F4hf-w ▻I enjoy posting on Instagram:◅ http://ins......
Part 2: Food! ダイソー¥100 Yen Store Part2-FOOD Section (GoPro Japan!) [HD] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbMr1F4hf-w ▻I enjoy posting on Instagram:◅ http://ins...
wn.com/Huge 100 Yen Store (Gopro Japan )
Part 2: Food! ダイソー¥100 Yen Store Part2-FOOD Section (GoPro Japan!) [HD] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbMr1F4hf-w ▻I enjoy posting on Instagram:◅ http://ins...
Life in Japan: Yen
Woah Nelly, time to learn about cash monay! It's too freaken hot out right now, wtf. AND I have this splitting headache from watching so much tv today... aiy......
Woah Nelly, time to learn about cash monay! It's too freaken hot out right now, wtf. AND I have this splitting headache from watching so much tv today... aiy...
wn.com/Life In Japan Yen
Woah Nelly, time to learn about cash monay! It's too freaken hot out right now, wtf. AND I have this splitting headache from watching so much tv today... aiy...
- published: 07 Jul 2012
- views: 23344
author: QuickRhino
Princes of the Yen: Central Bank Truth Documentary 『円の支配者』
“Princes of the Yen: Central Banks and the Transformation of the Economy” reveals how Japanese society was transformed to suit the agenda and desire of powerful...
“Princes of the Yen: Central Banks and the Transformation of the Economy” reveals how Japanese society was transformed to suit the agenda and desire of powerful interest groups, and how citizens were kept entirely in the dark about this.
Based on a book by Professor Richard Werner, a visiting researcher at the Bank of Japan during the 90s crash, during which the stock market dropped by 80% and house prices by up to 84%. The film uncovers the real cause of this extraordinary period in recent Japanese history.
Making extensive use of archival footage and TV appearances of Richard Werner from the time, the viewer is guided to a new understanding of what makes the world tick. And discovers that what happened in Japan almost 25 years ago is again repeating itself in Europe. To understand how, why and by whom, watch this film.
“Princes of the Yen” is an unprecedented challenge to today’s dominant ideological belief system, and the control levers that underpin it. Piece by piece, reality is deconstructed to reveal the world as it is, not as those in power would like us to believe that it is.
“Because only power that is hidden is power that endures.”
A film by Michael Oswald
You can follow Richard Werner (Author of the Book) on Twitter at @ProfessorWerner
Princes of the Yen DVD is available from:
“Mastery of filmmaking. An engaging and dynamic narrative supported by visual aesthetics” - Simeon Roberts - Film Critic, http://filmgods.co.uk/
"Essential viewing if you've any interest at all in economics or politics" - Steve Morrissey
Film Reviwer & Critic, http://www.moviesteve.com/review-princes-of-the-yen-2014/
“Blows open the widely held consensus that ‘independent’ central banks are a force for economic good." Josh Ryan-Collins - New Economics Foundation and co-author of “Where Does Money Come From?"
"A fascinating look at the need for better public understanding of just how much money can affect the world we live in.” Ben Dyson - Founder Positive Money & co-author of ‘Modernising Money’
Website: http://princesoftheyen.com/
How central banks create money: http://princesoftheyen.com/central-bank-money-creation/
Help us spread the word:
Rate this film on IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4172710/
Rate it and comment on youtube.
Share the film with your network.
Interested in translating? please contact us for the .srt file at info@queuepolitely.com or use amara.org
Translations in progress: Greek, French, Bulgarian, Indonesian.
Translations Completed: Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Korean, German.
wn.com/Princes Of The Yen Central Bank Truth Documentary 『円の支配者』
“Princes of the Yen: Central Banks and the Transformation of the Economy” reveals how Japanese society was transformed to suit the agenda and desire of powerful interest groups, and how citizens were kept entirely in the dark about this.
Based on a book by Professor Richard Werner, a visiting researcher at the Bank of Japan during the 90s crash, during which the stock market dropped by 80% and house prices by up to 84%. The film uncovers the real cause of this extraordinary period in recent Japanese history.
Making extensive use of archival footage and TV appearances of Richard Werner from the time, the viewer is guided to a new understanding of what makes the world tick. And discovers that what happened in Japan almost 25 years ago is again repeating itself in Europe. To understand how, why and by whom, watch this film.
“Princes of the Yen” is an unprecedented challenge to today’s dominant ideological belief system, and the control levers that underpin it. Piece by piece, reality is deconstructed to reveal the world as it is, not as those in power would like us to believe that it is.
“Because only power that is hidden is power that endures.”
A film by Michael Oswald
You can follow Richard Werner (Author of the Book) on Twitter at @ProfessorWerner
Princes of the Yen DVD is available from:
“Mastery of filmmaking. An engaging and dynamic narrative supported by visual aesthetics” - Simeon Roberts - Film Critic, http://filmgods.co.uk/
"Essential viewing if you've any interest at all in economics or politics" - Steve Morrissey
Film Reviwer & Critic, http://www.moviesteve.com/review-princes-of-the-yen-2014/
“Blows open the widely held consensus that ‘independent’ central banks are a force for economic good." Josh Ryan-Collins - New Economics Foundation and co-author of “Where Does Money Come From?"
"A fascinating look at the need for better public understanding of just how much money can affect the world we live in.” Ben Dyson - Founder Positive Money & co-author of ‘Modernising Money’
Website: http://princesoftheyen.com/
How central banks create money: http://princesoftheyen.com/central-bank-money-creation/
Help us spread the word:
Rate this film on IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4172710/
Rate it and comment on youtube.
Share the film with your network.
Interested in translating? please contact us for the .srt file at info@queuepolitely.com or use amara.org
Translations in progress: Greek, French, Bulgarian, Indonesian.
Translations Completed: Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Korean, German.
- published: 04 Nov 2014
- views: 167416
Japanese Yen!!! Mo' Money...Mo' Problems lol
I couldn't very well go to Japan without getting my hands on some Japanese Yen... now I just have to figure out how to use it LOL!!!...
I couldn't very well go to Japan without getting my hands on some Japanese Yen... now I just have to figure out how to use it LOL!!!
wn.com/Japanese Yen Mo' Money...Mo' Problems Lol
I couldn't very well go to Japan without getting my hands on some Japanese Yen... now I just have to figure out how to use it LOL!!!
- published: 10 Jul 2015
- views: 263
Japanese Yen WILL depreciate! Toshio Masuda Interview
International business analyst Toshio Masuda, an advisor to governments around the world, chats with Cambridge House Live anchor Bridgitte Anderson about Jap......
International business analyst Toshio Masuda, an advisor to governments around the world, chats with Cambridge House Live anchor Bridgitte Anderson about Jap...
wn.com/Japanese Yen Will Depreciate Toshio Masuda Interview
International business analyst Toshio Masuda, an advisor to governments around the world, chats with Cambridge House Live anchor Bridgitte Anderson about Jap...
Banknotes of the Japanese yen【日本銀行券】
The banknotes of the Japanese yen are part of the physical form of Japan's currency. The issuance of the yen banknotes began in 1872, two years after the cur......
The banknotes of the Japanese yen are part of the physical form of Japan's currency. The issuance of the yen banknotes began in 1872, two years after the cur...
wn.com/Banknotes Of The Japanese Yen【日本銀行券】
The banknotes of the Japanese yen are part of the physical form of Japan's currency. The issuance of the yen banknotes began in 1872, two years after the cur...
- published: 08 Jul 2012
- views: 1036
author: EdgeVSpear
Japan's yen collapse, taxes for US expats, rising cost of US healthcare
The show: http://www.nomadcapitalist.com/radio
The event: http://www.passporttofreedomevent.com
Andrew opens the show discussing the power of people when going...
The show: http://www.nomadcapitalist.com/radio
The event: http://www.passporttofreedomevent.com
Andrew opens the show discussing the power of people when going offshore. He talks about how even the best US-based accountants often don't know what tax exemptions you may qualify for or what forms you have to file when living overseas, and why you need an overseas specialist to help you. Then, he talks about the rising cost of US health care and why patient care is suffering as the entire system becomes increasingly socialistic. Plus, Tres Knippa joins the show live from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange to talk about the decline in the Japanese yen and why Japan's economic collapse is a warning for western governments using the same destructive playbook. Tres shares his thoughts on the dollar collapse.
Learn more at http://www.nomadcapitalist.com
wn.com/Japan's Yen Collapse, Taxes For US Expats, Rising Cost Of US Healthcare
The show: http://www.nomadcapitalist.com/radio
The event: http://www.passporttofreedomevent.com
Andrew opens the show discussing the power of people when going offshore. He talks about how even the best US-based accountants often don't know what tax exemptions you may qualify for or what forms you have to file when living overseas, and why you need an overseas specialist to help you. Then, he talks about the rising cost of US health care and why patient care is suffering as the entire system becomes increasingly socialistic. Plus, Tres Knippa joins the show live from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange to talk about the decline in the Japanese yen and why Japan's economic collapse is a warning for western governments using the same destructive playbook. Tres shares his thoughts on the dollar collapse.
Learn more at http://www.nomadcapitalist.com
- published: 30 Sep 2014
- views: 49
Japanese Game Center! 1,000 Yen Challenge☆ゲーセン紹介!
We will be continuing our 1000 yen challenges on LorienSpree! *And I won't let Mr. Panda cheat next time! ONLY 1000 YEN!* Do you want this Rilakkuma doll? ......
We will be continuing our 1000 yen challenges on LorienSpree! *And I won't let Mr. Panda cheat next time! ONLY 1000 YEN!* Do you want this Rilakkuma doll? ...
wn.com/Japanese Game Center 1,000 Yen Challenge☆ゲーセン紹介!
We will be continuing our 1000 yen challenges on LorienSpree! *And I won't let Mr. Panda cheat next time! ONLY 1000 YEN!* Do you want this Rilakkuma doll? ...
100 Yen Store in Japan
100 Yen Store (百円・百品・100円ショップ) in Japan
The 100 yen store is very popular in Japan and has been around for many years. Seria is one of the biggest chains and it...
100 Yen Store (百円・百品・100円ショップ) in Japan
The 100 yen store is very popular in Japan and has been around for many years. Seria is one of the biggest chains and it sells not just small things for halloween and christmas but everyday things at 108 yen. Yes everyday things that are very cheap and most cases very good quality. There are thousands of 100 yen shops across Japan, ranging in size from multi-story "department stores" to small corners in shopping malls.
If you come to Japan then please check out one.
Please subscribe for more videos and like and comment.
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wn.com/100 Yen Store In Japan
100 Yen Store (百円・百品・100円ショップ) in Japan
The 100 yen store is very popular in Japan and has been around for many years. Seria is one of the biggest chains and it sells not just small things for halloween and christmas but everyday things at 108 yen. Yes everyday things that are very cheap and most cases very good quality. There are thousands of 100 yen shops across Japan, ranging in size from multi-story "department stores" to small corners in shopping malls.
If you come to Japan then please check out one.
Please subscribe for more videos and like and comment.
Subscribe to TheJapanOnlineChannel:
Follow TheJapanOnlineChannel on Facebook:
Also check us out on
Twitter - https://twitter.com/JapannOnline
Google+ - https://plus.google.com/114076196748583513805
Instagram - http://instagram.com/thejapanonlinechannel
- published: 30 Sep 2014
- views: 80
Weak Japanese yen slows Korea's exports to Japan
http://www.arirang.co.kr/News/News_View.asp?nseq=152448 Subscribe to Arirang News! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=arirangnews....
http://www.arirang.co.kr/News/News_View.asp?nseq=152448 Subscribe to Arirang News! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=arirangnews.
wn.com/Weak Japanese Yen Slows Korea's Exports To Japan
http://www.arirang.co.kr/News/News_View.asp?nseq=152448 Subscribe to Arirang News! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=arirangnews.
The Yen - Japanese coins and bills
Japanese yen: coins and bills. Yay for play money! Wanna learn more about studying abroad at Kansai Gaidai University or Japan? Check my blog! http://www.bro......
Japanese yen: coins and bills. Yay for play money! Wanna learn more about studying abroad at Kansai Gaidai University or Japan? Check my blog! http://www.bro...
wn.com/The Yen Japanese Coins And Bills
Japanese yen: coins and bills. Yay for play money! Wanna learn more about studying abroad at Kansai Gaidai University or Japan? Check my blog! http://www.bro...
Japan Vlog: 100 Yen Store Madness // emilylouisemaitland ♡
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Support my channel: https://www.patreon.com/emilylouisemaitland
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Upload Schedule
On Mondays i upload a video blog of my weekend or a special occasion.
On Wednesdays i upload videos about Australia in Japanese with English subtitles.
On every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month i do a live show from 9pm JST.
On Fridays i upload videos in English about Japan with Japanese Subtitles.
I will upload extra videos on the others days.
# Giveaways are open for two weeks from the published date and close at 11:59pm JST.
wn.com/Japan Vlog 100 Yen Store Madness Emilylouisemaitland ♡
Support my channel: https://www.patreon.com/emilylouisemaitland
My Links ♡
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emilylouisemaitlandYouTube?ref=hl
Twitter: https://twitter.com/emilymaitland
Instagram: emaitland
Wordpress: https://emilylouisemaitland.wordpress.com/
Tsu: https://www.tsu.co/emilylouisemaitland
Upload Schedule
On Mondays i upload a video blog of my weekend or a special occasion.
On Wednesdays i upload videos about Australia in Japanese with English subtitles.
On every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month i do a live show from 9pm JST.
On Fridays i upload videos in English about Japan with Japanese Subtitles.
I will upload extra videos on the others days.
# Giveaways are open for two weeks from the published date and close at 11:59pm JST.
- published: 25 May 2015
- views: 290
Currency Crisis- Japanese Yen Collapse next in Global Financial Crisis
Currency Crisis in Japan - Upcoming Japanese Yen Collapse next up in the Global Financial Crisis. Was pretty tired when I made this video so excuse me on tha......
Currency Crisis in Japan - Upcoming Japanese Yen Collapse next up in the Global Financial Crisis. Was pretty tired when I made this video so excuse me on tha...
wn.com/Currency Crisis Japanese Yen Collapse Next In Global Financial Crisis
Currency Crisis in Japan - Upcoming Japanese Yen Collapse next up in the Global Financial Crisis. Was pretty tired when I made this video so excuse me on tha...
- published: 16 May 2013
- views: 822
author: Tommy Red
100 Yen: The Japanese Arcade Experience
Imagine a world where video games reign supreme. Five story buildings filled with arcade cabinets, old and new, inundate the streets of downtown Tokyo. Welcome ...
Imagine a world where video games reign supreme. Five story buildings filled with arcade cabinets, old and new, inundate the streets of downtown Tokyo. Welcome to Japan. A FilmBuff Presentation.
wn.com/100 Yen The Japanese Arcade Experience
Imagine a world where video games reign supreme. Five story buildings filled with arcade cabinets, old and new, inundate the streets of downtown Tokyo. Welcome to Japan. A FilmBuff Presentation.
Japan's Yen policy is 'Suicidal'
Bloomberg All Rights Reserved April 15 2013 US pressures Japan on currency devaluation. Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda is refusing to put a limit o......
Bloomberg All Rights Reserved April 15 2013 US pressures Japan on currency devaluation. Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda is refusing to put a limit o...
wn.com/Japan's Yen Policy Is 'Suicidal'
Bloomberg All Rights Reserved April 15 2013 US pressures Japan on currency devaluation. Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda is refusing to put a limit o...
Daiso Haul | Kawaii Japanese 100 Yen Store
▸ PREVIOUS VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MR1tLbB1sMg
▸ SUBSCRIBE TO MY VLOG CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/juicydailyvlogs
▸ PREVIOUS VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MR1tLbB1sMg
▸ SUBSCRIBE TO MY VLOG CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/juicydailyvlogs
AskFM: ThaniasBeauty
Instagram: @ThaniasBeauty
Twitter: @juicydaily
Facebook: Classypinkthings
Pinterest: Juicydaily
Tumblr: Thaniasbeauty
Polyvore: Thaniasbeauty
Snapchat: Thaniasbeauty
Vine: Thania
Line Play: ThaniasBeauty
Charity Vance: https://www.youtube.com/user/CharityVanceMusic
Landon Austin: https://www.youtube.com/user/LandonAustin
Macy Kate: https://www.youtube.com/user/macykatemusic
Lighting: Super Nova Halo Ring Light
Camera; Canon Rebel t4i
Editing Program: Adobe Premiere Pro
Computer: Macbook Pro & iMac
All opinions are honest and 100% My own. Any Affiliate links are marked with a *.
wn.com/Daiso Haul | Kawaii Japanese 100 Yen Store
▸ PREVIOUS VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MR1tLbB1sMg
▸ SUBSCRIBE TO MY VLOG CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/juicydailyvlogs
AskFM: ThaniasBeauty
Instagram: @ThaniasBeauty
Twitter: @juicydaily
Facebook: Classypinkthings
Pinterest: Juicydaily
Tumblr: Thaniasbeauty
Polyvore: Thaniasbeauty
Snapchat: Thaniasbeauty
Vine: Thania
Line Play: ThaniasBeauty
Charity Vance: https://www.youtube.com/user/CharityVanceMusic
Landon Austin: https://www.youtube.com/user/LandonAustin
Macy Kate: https://www.youtube.com/user/macykatemusic
Lighting: Super Nova Halo Ring Light
Camera; Canon Rebel t4i
Editing Program: Adobe Premiere Pro
Computer: Macbook Pro & iMac
All opinions are honest and 100% My own. Any Affiliate links are marked with a *.
- published: 11 Sep 2015
- views: 1287
ダイソー¥100 Yen Store Part2-FOOD Section (GoPro Japan!) [HD]
See part 1: HUGE 100 Yen Store! (GoPro Japan!) http://youtu.be/fbMr1F4hf-w -------------------------------------- 外国人が一番好きな日本の言葉は? What's your favorite Japan......
See part 1: HUGE 100 Yen Store! (GoPro Japan!) http://youtu.be/fbMr1F4hf-w -------------------------------------- 外国人が一番好きな日本の言葉は? What's your favorite Japan...
wn.com/ダイソー¥100 Yen Store Part2 Food Section (Gopro Japan ) Hd
See part 1: HUGE 100 Yen Store! (GoPro Japan!) http://youtu.be/fbMr1F4hf-w -------------------------------------- 外国人が一番好きな日本の言葉は? What's your favorite Japan...
Japan, How It Is - 100 YEN Shop (The DAISO)
100 YEN stores are your one stop EVERYTHING shop. Part of the World How It Is project: Come and see the world through our eyes: http://www.youtube.com/worldh......
100 YEN stores are your one stop EVERYTHING shop. Part of the World How It Is project: Come and see the world through our eyes: http://www.youtube.com/worldh...
wn.com/Japan, How It Is 100 Yen Shop (The Daiso)
100 YEN stores are your one stop EVERYTHING shop. Part of the World How It Is project: Come and see the world through our eyes: http://www.youtube.com/worldh...
JAPANESE YEN COINS ~ featuring Buddhist Temple Artwork
Several japanese yen coins that were in with an auction I purchased earlier today. We had to translate the Japanese language on them to determine the years. ......
Several japanese yen coins that were in with an auction I purchased earlier today. We had to translate the Japanese language on them to determine the years. ...
wn.com/Japanese Yen Coins ~ Featuring Buddhist Temple Artwork
Several japanese yen coins that were in with an auction I purchased earlier today. We had to translate the Japanese language on them to determine the years. ...
Japan Travel Guide: 10 Things you need to know Before Coming to JAPAN
Travel Japan Guide: 10 Thing you need to know before coming to Japan : http://youtu.be/CC07YPg9yAM
Please share this video if it's useful to your friend or the person you know!!!
Here are the details: http://expja.com/ (will launch soon…)
I made a video "7 More Things You Need to Know before coming to Japan"! Please wacth this video, too!
Welcome to Ex
Japan (Asia) Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
✱ 7.292 Hotels in Japan - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/aUZE96
Tokyo, a city of 30 million, is a place where traditions and modern inventions live together. From the Tokyo Tower one can see only skyscrapers, palaces made of concrete and glass, multi-level highway junctions and monorail expresses. But under the neon lights there are still rickshaw runners pulling their carts and geishas w
25 Things To Do in Tokyo, Japan (Watch This Before You Go)
Get info about things to do, where to stay, and the best food to eat on your visit to Tokyo, Japan. Here's the guide: http://wp.me/psd9b-4EA
Tokyo (東京), Japan, is one of the world's greatest cities, and there's so much to do and see when you visit. From temples and shrines, to gardens and museums, you'll never run out of attractions. Out of all the things you could do, I've chosen a top 25 list f
Tokyo Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to Tokyo, the capital of Japan and the epitome of the word “megacity.”
In this vast metropolis, ancient traditions blend with futuristic buildings, and your Tokyo sightseeing will take you to representations of each. Pay your respects at temples set in forested hillsides, then flex your credit card in one of the shopping districts, before sitting down to a five-star meal…all in one day.
JAPAN: Tokyo, Harajuku, Shibuya, Fuji & Hakkone | Food + Travel Guide
Join me on my 5 day travel across Japan! We'll gaze at Mount Fuji, soak in onsens, have sashimi boats, scream from world record holdin' rollercoasters and lose ourselves watching the scramble of the Shibuya crossing.
Interested in more travel videos?
A week in Hong Kong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4H3oAdV3Ew
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Japan travel guide - tips and tricks
Japan travel guide. A few practical tips for first-time backpackers in Japan. What to see, when to visit, how to get around, what to eat and drink, where to stay and what you shouldn't miss in Japan: Tokyo, Temples, Akuhabara, Shibuya, Kyoto, Sushi, Sake, Umeshu, Karaoke, Shinkansen.
Get inspired:
See all our tours in Japan: http://travels.kilroy.net/destinations/asia/japan/adventure
Don't miss
What to Eat and Do in Tokyo, Japan (NOC Travel Guide!)
Ryan and Sylvia went to Tokyo for a week and many of you requested for us to shoot a video in Japan; so here it is!
Stay tune for next week's episode! Do you want us to do more travelogues?
Leave a comment!
✈Tokyo, Japan ►Vacation Travel Guide
✈Tokyo, Japan ►Vacation Travel Guide WATCH FREE: http://www.nextstop.tv
Japan Travel Guide - Japan Rail Pass and Budget Tips
http://www.streetsmarttraveler.com/toolbox - In this video, Marcus has created a video Japan Travel Guide, with information on the JR Japan Rail Pass for the bullet train (shinkansen). He also shares more budget tips.
Full links mentioned in video:
http://www.marcusgoesglobal.com/2010/04/your-personal-tokyo.html - Marcus' personal travel blog
http://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/yourguide/ - Your Guide to
Tokyo, Japan Travel Guide -- "Go or No?" Review
The Ins and Outs of traveling to Tokyo, Japan with Andrea Feczko and Rachel Rudwall
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
Capital of Japan, and home to sushi, anime, temples, and crazy fashion, Tokyo is a giant city with a lot to see. But, is it worth the trip?
- Japanese meals: sushi, sake, ramen, shabu shabu, and more
- Tsukiji Fi
Kyoto, Japan Travel Guide 2016 (HD)
Kyoto, Japan Travel Guide 2016 - Tourism & Vacations in Kyoto, Japan - Kyoto, Japan Trip 2016
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Kyōto (京都) was the capital of Japan for over a millennium, and carries a reputation as its most beautiful city. However, visitors may be surprised by how much work they will have to do to see Kyoto's beaut
Top 5 Things to Do in Tokyo® Japan Travel Guide Harajuku-Shibuya Tour BETA
HERE IS THE MAP! (on google maps)
So now you are in Tokyo and you don't want to spend the day going from a place to another in a dark subway, right?
So here there is my recommendation, an awesome tour of 5 of the best places in Tokyo, all at a walking distance!
Obviously there are more than 5 things to do in Tokyo and
Japan Travel Guide: 7 More Things You Need to Know before Coming to Japan
7 More Things You Need to Know before Coming to Japan
I’m talking about 7 things you need to know before coming to Japan.
This is the second video of 10 things you need to know before coming to Japan.
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to
Japan Tourism & Vacations 2016
Japan Tourism & Vacations 2016, Japan Trip 2016, Japan travel guide 2016, Japan holidays, Japan travel
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Japan, known as Nihon or Nippon (日本) in Japanese, is a nation of islands in East Asia
See in Japan
When most Westerners think of castles, they naturally think of
Top 10 Travel Attractions, Kyoto (Japan) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of Kyoto, Japan - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I would like to give you a tour of the top ten attractions of Kyoto, Japan.
Number ten, Gion District. A wonderful traditional neighborhood in the city of Kyoto, during your time here you are likely to see geishas in their traditional atti
Kyoto Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Kyoto, Japan, has long been considered one of the country’s most beautiful cities. Once the capital of the nation, Kyoto is now an ultra-modern haven that retains a great deal of its ancient charm.
To see some of this long-established glamour, make your way to Kyoto Tower. Just two miles east of the tower is Gion, an entertainment quarter and home to many of Kyoto’s famous geishas. As you walk ea
What happens if you make a travel show with no planning?
FIRST TIME HERE follows travelers Josh and Emily as they explore new places for the first time. See more at http://firsttimeheretravel.com/.
Shot in Japan over 4 days in April 2012, episode 1 of FIRST TIME HERE takes Josh and Emily to Kyoto and Tokyo.
FIRST TIME HERE: JAPAN was created as a pilot. The teaser for the South Africa episode a
11 Things to Do in Sapporo | Japan Travel Guide
Sapporo city offers everything to travelers: bountiful nature, fascinating culture, and delicious cuisine. Today, Japanesquest presents you with 11 places to visit in Sapporo!
Please give us feedback on this video: http://japanesquest.com/video-feedback
Website: http://japanesquest.com/
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Japan Travel Cost: Accommodation in JAPAN #3: Japan Travel Guide
Japan Travel Cost: Accommodations in Japan #3: Japan Travel Guide http://youtu.be/d4YrT8UceUU
Accommodations in Japan #3!
I talk about 3 more unique type of accommodation in Japan in this video!
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
Well, in this video, I talk about 3 uni
Japan Travel Cost: Japan Rail Pass #1: Japan Travel Guide
Japan Travel Cost: Japan Rail Pass #1: Japan Travel Guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUmL6sGvaig
I share the information about “Japan Rail Pass”!!!!
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
I’ve got so many questions about “Japan Rail Pass”!
I hope I answered your questi
Sapporo Japan Travel Guide
A travel guide for Sapporo Japan - the capital of Japan's northern island state of Hokkaido. Highlights include the Clock Tower, Odori Park, Sapporo TV Tower, Tanukijoki Shopping Street, Sapporo Beer Museum, Sapporo Factory Mall, Central Fish Market and Curb Market, Ramen Alley, and Chitose Airport.
Sapporo seems peaceful at street level but there are miles and miles of underground passages and
Hakone Japan Travel Guide
A helpful travel guide for anyone planning on visiting Hakone Japan. Tips on taking the train, Hakone Ropeway, cable car, and sights to see.
Check out the "Cool Japan" playlist for more Japan videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL14F9F774CE8798C3
Visit my channel for additional fun travel guides: http://www.youtube.com/user/yellowwproductions
Subscribe to receive my latest travel guid
Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN (Japanese Money) #1: Ways you pay in JAPAN
Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN (Japanese Money) #1: Ways you pay i n JAPAN: http://youtu.be/YUisubvpslI
I explain Money in Japan.
★Watch another Money in Japan episode!
How to prepare your Japanese Yen #2:
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Ja
Japan Travel Guide: 10 Things you need to know Before Coming to JAPAN
Travel Japan Guide: 10 Thing you need to know before coming to Japan : http://youtu.be/CC07YPg9yAM
Please share this video if it's useful to your friend or the ...
Travel Japan Guide: 10 Thing you need to know before coming to Japan : http://youtu.be/CC07YPg9yAM
Please share this video if it's useful to your friend or the person you know!!!
Here are the details: http://expja.com/ (will launch soon…)
I made a video "7 More Things You Need to Know before coming to Japan"! Please wacth this video, too!
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
I’ll share with you things you need to know before coming to Japan.
0:21 –1. Get Wi-Fi Connection Information
1:50 – 2. Iratsyaimase いらっしゃいませ。
2:14 – 3. Many Japanese cannot speak English
3:23 – 4. We take off shoes.
3:55 – 5. Go to the post office, if you need cash.
4:10 – 6. SIZE matters
4:32 – 7. Vegetarians
4:54 – 8. Could you wrap up my food, please?
5:38 – 9. Rush Hour Train
6:28 – 10. You pay at the cashier and No Tips
I’m offering the info about traveling to Japan and working as a guide.
If you’re interested in, Please send me an e-mail!!!
Music: Thank You to Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Thank you so much for watching travel video by Experience JAPAN with YUKA.
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/expjpw
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/yuka_expjapan
My Blog: http://expja.com/ (coming up soon!)
Japan Travel Guide: 10 Things you need to know Before Coming to JAPAN
Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss my next exploration. You can subscribe right here: http://www.youtube.com/user/expjpw
Check Other Videos!!!
★Travel Japan Guide: Onsen 温泉 Do I need to try Onsen? Why??? :http://youtu.be/qiNFQM8H2Ek
★ONSEN in JAPAN 温泉: How to enjoy ONSEN & RYOKAN #2 : Japan Travel Guide :http://youtu.be/BOcgDJprN74
★ONSEN in JAPAN 温泉: TATTOOS at Onsens in JAPAN #3 : Japan Travel Guide : http://youtu.be/5dxiVol7sow
★Travel Japan Guide: 5 Things you shouldn’t do at restaurants in Japan : http://youtu.be/sqrCzAkY_dE
★Japan Travel Guide: Survival Japanese for Japan Trip
Japan Travel Guide: 10 Things you need to know Before Coming to JAPAN
wn.com/Japan Travel Guide 10 Things You Need To Know Before Coming To Japan
Travel Japan Guide: 10 Thing you need to know before coming to Japan : http://youtu.be/CC07YPg9yAM
Please share this video if it's useful to your friend or the person you know!!!
Here are the details: http://expja.com/ (will launch soon…)
I made a video "7 More Things You Need to Know before coming to Japan"! Please wacth this video, too!
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
I’ll share with you things you need to know before coming to Japan.
0:21 –1. Get Wi-Fi Connection Information
1:50 – 2. Iratsyaimase いらっしゃいませ。
2:14 – 3. Many Japanese cannot speak English
3:23 – 4. We take off shoes.
3:55 – 5. Go to the post office, if you need cash.
4:10 – 6. SIZE matters
4:32 – 7. Vegetarians
4:54 – 8. Could you wrap up my food, please?
5:38 – 9. Rush Hour Train
6:28 – 10. You pay at the cashier and No Tips
I’m offering the info about traveling to Japan and working as a guide.
If you’re interested in, Please send me an e-mail!!!
Music: Thank You to Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Thank you so much for watching travel video by Experience JAPAN with YUKA.
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/expjpw
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/yuka_expjapan
My Blog: http://expja.com/ (coming up soon!)
Japan Travel Guide: 10 Things you need to know Before Coming to JAPAN
Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss my next exploration. You can subscribe right here: http://www.youtube.com/user/expjpw
Check Other Videos!!!
★Travel Japan Guide: Onsen 温泉 Do I need to try Onsen? Why??? :http://youtu.be/qiNFQM8H2Ek
★ONSEN in JAPAN 温泉: How to enjoy ONSEN & RYOKAN #2 : Japan Travel Guide :http://youtu.be/BOcgDJprN74
★ONSEN in JAPAN 温泉: TATTOOS at Onsens in JAPAN #3 : Japan Travel Guide : http://youtu.be/5dxiVol7sow
★Travel Japan Guide: 5 Things you shouldn’t do at restaurants in Japan : http://youtu.be/sqrCzAkY_dE
★Japan Travel Guide: Survival Japanese for Japan Trip
Japan Travel Guide: 10 Things you need to know Before Coming to JAPAN
- published: 16 Aug 2014
- views: 509948
Japan (Asia) Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
✱ 7.292 Hotels in Japan - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/aUZE96
Tokyo, a city of 30 million, is a place where traditions and modern inventions live tog...
✱ 7.292 Hotels in Japan - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/aUZE96
Tokyo, a city of 30 million, is a place where traditions and modern inventions live together. From the Tokyo Tower one can see only skyscrapers, palaces made of concrete and glass, multi-level highway junctions and monorail expresses. But under the neon lights there are still rickshaw runners pulling their carts and geishas walking in their wooden shoes. The ornamented pagodas, the Japanese gardens, the calm Shintoist sanctuaries tell us about the age of shoguns and ninjas. The digital cameras and the swords of the samurais can be found at the same store. In the restaurants one can have sushi, sukiyaki and tempura sitting on a tatami, using chopsticks. We can take a look at the masterpieces of ikebana and origami and the pictures painted on rice paper. The travelers can take a trip to the ancient city of Kyoto, to the giant Buddha of Kamakura, to the warm springs and to the Sacred Mountain, Fujiyama, where the cherry trees are blossoming at the foot of the hills.
wn.com/Japan (Asia) Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
✱ 7.292 Hotels in Japan - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/aUZE96
Tokyo, a city of 30 million, is a place where traditions and modern inventions live together. From the Tokyo Tower one can see only skyscrapers, palaces made of concrete and glass, multi-level highway junctions and monorail expresses. But under the neon lights there are still rickshaw runners pulling their carts and geishas walking in their wooden shoes. The ornamented pagodas, the Japanese gardens, the calm Shintoist sanctuaries tell us about the age of shoguns and ninjas. The digital cameras and the swords of the samurais can be found at the same store. In the restaurants one can have sushi, sukiyaki and tempura sitting on a tatami, using chopsticks. We can take a look at the masterpieces of ikebana and origami and the pictures painted on rice paper. The travelers can take a trip to the ancient city of Kyoto, to the giant Buddha of Kamakura, to the warm springs and to the Sacred Mountain, Fujiyama, where the cherry trees are blossoming at the foot of the hills.
- published: 13 Apr 2015
- views: 49125
25 Things To Do in Tokyo, Japan (Watch This Before You Go)
Get info about things to do, where to stay, and the best food to eat on your visit to Tokyo, Japan. Here's the guide: http://wp.me/psd9b-4EA
Tokyo (東京), Japan,...
Get info about things to do, where to stay, and the best food to eat on your visit to Tokyo, Japan. Here's the guide: http://wp.me/psd9b-4EA
Tokyo (東京), Japan, is one of the world's greatest cities, and there's so much to do and see when you visit. From temples and shrines, to gardens and museums, you'll never run out of attractions. Out of all the things you could do, I've chosen a top 25 list for this awesome city (and just so you know food is my first choice in Tokyo)!
1. Ameya-Yokochō (アメヤ横丁) - A giant open air market that offers clothes, cosmetics, food, and restaurants and bars.
2. Meiji Shrine (明治神宮) - This Shinto shrine, surrounded by beautiful forest, is extremely significant.
3. Ryogoku Kokugikan (両国国技館) - Even if it's not fight season, you can go to the free sumo museum and eat sumo chankonabe.
4. Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden (新宿御苑) - The garden is a beautiful attraction in Tokyo, with French gardens, Japanese gardens, and a green house.
5. Ginza (銀座) / Yurakucho (有楽町) - Ginza is a great area of town for upscale shopping and dining, while Yurakucho is famous for Izakaya bars and restaurants under the railroad track.
6. Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building (東京都庁舎) - There are a lot of things to do in Tokyo where you have to pay, but here, you can go to the 45th floor for free.
7. Tsukiji Market (築地市場) - One of the most famous attractions in all of Tokyo is the Tsukiji Market (築地市場), the biggest seafood market in the world.
8. Shibuya (渋谷区) - With the busiest intersection in the world, Shibuya (渋谷区) is also home to shopping and restaurant.
9. Sumida River (隅田川) - At Tokyo's Sumida River, you can either just walk around the park and enjoy the riverside views, or you can take the Tokyo Cruise in a boat.
10. Tokyo Imperial Palace (皇居) - This is the home of the emperor of Japan. To enter the grounds, you have to make a tour booking on the official website
11. Ueno Park (上野公園), Tokyo National Museum (東京国立博物館) - Ueno Park is a huge public park in Tokyo with shrines, gardens and a number of museums.
12. Tokyo Skytree (東京スカイツリー) - They call it Tokyo's biggest attractions. It's a huge communications tower with various viewing decks and galleries.
13. Harajuku (原宿), Takeshita Street (竹下通り) - Famous for its street market and cosplay that takes place, this is a place in the city to see and be seen.
14. Senso-ji (金龍山浅草寺) - Visiting this temple is one of the top things to do in Tokyo, frequented by both tourists and religious pilgrims. It's the oldest temple in Tokyo.
15. Edo-Tokyo Museum (江戸東京博物館) - It looks a little like a UFO, but it's one of Tokyo's main museums, that aims to preserve the history of the city.
16. Fine Dining - Let's just face it, Tokyo is one of the best cities in the world for high class dining - atmosphere, presentation, food, it's all just stunning!
17. Akihabara Electric Town (秋葉原電気街) - If you love electronics and gaming, you're going to love the area of Akihabara. You'll also find those infamous maid cafes here.
18. Tokyo Stock Exchange (東京証券取引所) - Another free attraction in Tokyo is to be a guest at the stock exchange where you can see the Japanese Nikkei being traded.
19. Roppongi (六本木) - Home to the Mori Art Museum and a hotspot for nightlife in the city, Roppongi is an exciting area of town.
20. Odaiba (お台場) - This area of Tokyo is full of things to do like Legoland, and Palette Town, an indoor amusement park. It's also known as Tokyo's entertainment island.
21. Yoyogi Park (代々木公園) - Located next to Meiji Shrine, and just a short distance from Harajuku and Shinjuku, this park is popular for exercise and dance.
22. Nezu (根津), Yanaka (谷中 (台東区) - Tokyo is a truly modern city, but there are a couple places like Nezu and Yanaka that have held strong to their traditional and cultural roots.
23. Onsen (温泉) - You've got to strip down naked before you can enter a Japanese public bath.
24. Mount Takao (高尾山) - Just 50 km from central Tokyo, this mountain is popular for climbing and is a sacred religious mountains. Makes a good day trip from Tokyo.
25. Food - Finally, food is the reason I visited Japan, and I think eating is by all means one of the best things to do in Tokyo. Food is everywhere, and not only does it taste amazing, but the care that goes into Japanese cuisine is incredible.
Thank you very much for watching this video that includes some of the best things to do in Tokyo. I hope it will give you inspiration to visit and eat through this amazing city.
Tokyo travel guide for food lovers: http://wp.me/psd9b-4EA
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=migrationology
All music in this video courtesy of AudioNetwork.com
Support my videos: http://migrationology.com/donate/
wn.com/25 Things To Do In Tokyo, Japan (Watch This Before You Go)
Get info about things to do, where to stay, and the best food to eat on your visit to Tokyo, Japan. Here's the guide: http://wp.me/psd9b-4EA
Tokyo (東京), Japan, is one of the world's greatest cities, and there's so much to do and see when you visit. From temples and shrines, to gardens and museums, you'll never run out of attractions. Out of all the things you could do, I've chosen a top 25 list for this awesome city (and just so you know food is my first choice in Tokyo)!
1. Ameya-Yokochō (アメヤ横丁) - A giant open air market that offers clothes, cosmetics, food, and restaurants and bars.
2. Meiji Shrine (明治神宮) - This Shinto shrine, surrounded by beautiful forest, is extremely significant.
3. Ryogoku Kokugikan (両国国技館) - Even if it's not fight season, you can go to the free sumo museum and eat sumo chankonabe.
4. Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden (新宿御苑) - The garden is a beautiful attraction in Tokyo, with French gardens, Japanese gardens, and a green house.
5. Ginza (銀座) / Yurakucho (有楽町) - Ginza is a great area of town for upscale shopping and dining, while Yurakucho is famous for Izakaya bars and restaurants under the railroad track.
6. Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building (東京都庁舎) - There are a lot of things to do in Tokyo where you have to pay, but here, you can go to the 45th floor for free.
7. Tsukiji Market (築地市場) - One of the most famous attractions in all of Tokyo is the Tsukiji Market (築地市場), the biggest seafood market in the world.
8. Shibuya (渋谷区) - With the busiest intersection in the world, Shibuya (渋谷区) is also home to shopping and restaurant.
9. Sumida River (隅田川) - At Tokyo's Sumida River, you can either just walk around the park and enjoy the riverside views, or you can take the Tokyo Cruise in a boat.
10. Tokyo Imperial Palace (皇居) - This is the home of the emperor of Japan. To enter the grounds, you have to make a tour booking on the official website
11. Ueno Park (上野公園), Tokyo National Museum (東京国立博物館) - Ueno Park is a huge public park in Tokyo with shrines, gardens and a number of museums.
12. Tokyo Skytree (東京スカイツリー) - They call it Tokyo's biggest attractions. It's a huge communications tower with various viewing decks and galleries.
13. Harajuku (原宿), Takeshita Street (竹下通り) - Famous for its street market and cosplay that takes place, this is a place in the city to see and be seen.
14. Senso-ji (金龍山浅草寺) - Visiting this temple is one of the top things to do in Tokyo, frequented by both tourists and religious pilgrims. It's the oldest temple in Tokyo.
15. Edo-Tokyo Museum (江戸東京博物館) - It looks a little like a UFO, but it's one of Tokyo's main museums, that aims to preserve the history of the city.
16. Fine Dining - Let's just face it, Tokyo is one of the best cities in the world for high class dining - atmosphere, presentation, food, it's all just stunning!
17. Akihabara Electric Town (秋葉原電気街) - If you love electronics and gaming, you're going to love the area of Akihabara. You'll also find those infamous maid cafes here.
18. Tokyo Stock Exchange (東京証券取引所) - Another free attraction in Tokyo is to be a guest at the stock exchange where you can see the Japanese Nikkei being traded.
19. Roppongi (六本木) - Home to the Mori Art Museum and a hotspot for nightlife in the city, Roppongi is an exciting area of town.
20. Odaiba (お台場) - This area of Tokyo is full of things to do like Legoland, and Palette Town, an indoor amusement park. It's also known as Tokyo's entertainment island.
21. Yoyogi Park (代々木公園) - Located next to Meiji Shrine, and just a short distance from Harajuku and Shinjuku, this park is popular for exercise and dance.
22. Nezu (根津), Yanaka (谷中 (台東区) - Tokyo is a truly modern city, but there are a couple places like Nezu and Yanaka that have held strong to their traditional and cultural roots.
23. Onsen (温泉) - You've got to strip down naked before you can enter a Japanese public bath.
24. Mount Takao (高尾山) - Just 50 km from central Tokyo, this mountain is popular for climbing and is a sacred religious mountains. Makes a good day trip from Tokyo.
25. Food - Finally, food is the reason I visited Japan, and I think eating is by all means one of the best things to do in Tokyo. Food is everywhere, and not only does it taste amazing, but the care that goes into Japanese cuisine is incredible.
Thank you very much for watching this video that includes some of the best things to do in Tokyo. I hope it will give you inspiration to visit and eat through this amazing city.
Tokyo travel guide for food lovers: http://wp.me/psd9b-4EA
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=migrationology
All music in this video courtesy of AudioNetwork.com
Support my videos: http://migrationology.com/donate/
- published: 30 Mar 2014
- views: 2065920
Tokyo Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to Tokyo, the capital of Japan and the epitome of the word “megacity.”
In this vast metropolis, ancient traditions blend with futuristic buildings, and...
Welcome to Tokyo, the capital of Japan and the epitome of the word “megacity.”
In this vast metropolis, ancient traditions blend with futuristic buildings, and your Tokyo sightseeing will take you to representations of each. Pay your respects at temples set in forested hillsides, then flex your credit card in one of the shopping districts, before sitting down to a five-star meal…all in one day.
Your Tokyo tour begins with the subway and train system, which will take you all over this sprawling city. Tokyo is home to some 35 million people, many of which you’ll meet as its public transit carries you throughout its many neighborhoods. Make a stop in Asakusa, a temple district nestled in leafy trees with skyscrapers towering in the background. There you’ll visit Nakamisi Dori, a street loaded with food vendors and religious charms. Get to know the city a little better in the Harajuku district, home to cutting-edge fashion, a thriving, youth-centered culture, and the famous Yoyogi Park. The park stands out in stern contrast to the rest of the neighborhood; this sprawling, 134-acre green space is where locals slow down after a frenzied week of work and play.
As night falls, make your way to Shinjuku. Many of Tokyo’s premier restaurants and pubs span Shinjuku’s streets, and you can indulge in succulent 5-star meals or sample with fast food from local vendors. Watch a movie, do some karaoke, and linger with fellow travelers and friendly locals alike.
What was your favorite part of Tokyo?
Visit our Tokyo travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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wn.com/Tokyo Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to Tokyo, the capital of Japan and the epitome of the word “megacity.”
In this vast metropolis, ancient traditions blend with futuristic buildings, and your Tokyo sightseeing will take you to representations of each. Pay your respects at temples set in forested hillsides, then flex your credit card in one of the shopping districts, before sitting down to a five-star meal…all in one day.
Your Tokyo tour begins with the subway and train system, which will take you all over this sprawling city. Tokyo is home to some 35 million people, many of which you’ll meet as its public transit carries you throughout its many neighborhoods. Make a stop in Asakusa, a temple district nestled in leafy trees with skyscrapers towering in the background. There you’ll visit Nakamisi Dori, a street loaded with food vendors and religious charms. Get to know the city a little better in the Harajuku district, home to cutting-edge fashion, a thriving, youth-centered culture, and the famous Yoyogi Park. The park stands out in stern contrast to the rest of the neighborhood; this sprawling, 134-acre green space is where locals slow down after a frenzied week of work and play.
As night falls, make your way to Shinjuku. Many of Tokyo’s premier restaurants and pubs span Shinjuku’s streets, and you can indulge in succulent 5-star meals or sample with fast food from local vendors. Watch a movie, do some karaoke, and linger with fellow travelers and friendly locals alike.
What was your favorite part of Tokyo?
Visit our Tokyo travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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- published: 02 Oct 2014
- views: 562317
JAPAN: Tokyo, Harajuku, Shibuya, Fuji & Hakkone | Food + Travel Guide
Join me on my 5 day travel across Japan! We'll gaze at Mount Fuji, soak in onsens, have sashimi boats, scream from world record holdin' rollercoasters and lose ...
Join me on my 5 day travel across Japan! We'll gaze at Mount Fuji, soak in onsens, have sashimi boats, scream from world record holdin' rollercoasters and lose ourselves watching the scramble of the Shibuya crossing.
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Music used with permission by the following artists:
- Go check 'em out, they're aweeesome.
Blank and Kytt (https://soundcloud.com/blankandkytt)
Silent Partner (https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Tha_Silent_Partner/)
CABU (https://soundcloud.com/cabubeats)
Otis McDonald (https://soundcloud.com/otis-mcdonald)
wn.com/Japan Tokyo, Harajuku, Shibuya, Fuji Hakkone | Food Travel Guide
Join me on my 5 day travel across Japan! We'll gaze at Mount Fuji, soak in onsens, have sashimi boats, scream from world record holdin' rollercoasters and lose ourselves watching the scramble of the Shibuya crossing.
Interested in more travel videos?
A week in Hong Kong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4H3oAdV3Ew
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... and vlog!
...and talk about food!
Music used with permission by the following artists:
- Go check 'em out, they're aweeesome.
Blank and Kytt (https://soundcloud.com/blankandkytt)
Silent Partner (https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Tha_Silent_Partner/)
CABU (https://soundcloud.com/cabubeats)
Otis McDonald (https://soundcloud.com/otis-mcdonald)
- published: 04 Aug 2015
- views: 23182
Japan travel guide - tips and tricks
Japan travel guide. A few practical tips for first-time backpackers in Japan. What to see, when to visit, how to get around, what to eat and drink, where to sta...
Japan travel guide. A few practical tips for first-time backpackers in Japan. What to see, when to visit, how to get around, what to eat and drink, where to stay and what you shouldn't miss in Japan: Tokyo, Temples, Akuhabara, Shibuya, Kyoto, Sushi, Sake, Umeshu, Karaoke, Shinkansen.
Get inspired:
See all our tours in Japan: http://travels.kilroy.net/destinations/asia/japan/adventure
Don't miss out on sightseeing and other things to do http://www.partner.viator.com/en/9092/Japan/d16-ttd?activities=all
wn.com/Japan Travel Guide Tips And Tricks
Japan travel guide. A few practical tips for first-time backpackers in Japan. What to see, when to visit, how to get around, what to eat and drink, where to stay and what you shouldn't miss in Japan: Tokyo, Temples, Akuhabara, Shibuya, Kyoto, Sushi, Sake, Umeshu, Karaoke, Shinkansen.
Get inspired:
See all our tours in Japan: http://travels.kilroy.net/destinations/asia/japan/adventure
Don't miss out on sightseeing and other things to do http://www.partner.viator.com/en/9092/Japan/d16-ttd?activities=all
- published: 19 Jul 2013
- views: 83427
What to Eat and Do in Tokyo, Japan (NOC Travel Guide!)
Ryan and Sylvia went to Tokyo for a week and many of you requested for us to shoot a video in Japan; so here it is!
Stay tune for next week's episode! Do you wa...
Ryan and Sylvia went to Tokyo for a week and many of you requested for us to shoot a video in Japan; so here it is!
Stay tune for next week's episode! Do you want us to do more travelogues?
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For business/talent enquiries, email us directly at ryan@noc.com.sg
MyRepublic - https://secure.myrepublic.com.sg/
Cathay Photo - http://www.cathayphoto.com.sg/
CCM Costumes - http://number1costumecostume.com.sg/
Shunji Matsuo - https://www.facebook.com/shunjimatsuohairstudio
http://instagram.com/shunjimatsuo http://twitter.com/ShunjiMatsuoSG
Flesh Imp - http://shop.fleshimp.com
IMBA - https://www.facebook.com/IMBAinteractive?fref=ts
Darren Ashley - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJZq4bADmW0
wn.com/What To Eat And Do In Tokyo, Japan (Noc Travel Guide )
Ryan and Sylvia went to Tokyo for a week and many of you requested for us to shoot a video in Japan; so here it is!
Stay tune for next week's episode! Do you want us to do more travelogues?
Leave a comment!
For business/talent enquiries, email us directly at ryan@noc.com.sg
MyRepublic - https://secure.myrepublic.com.sg/
Cathay Photo - http://www.cathayphoto.com.sg/
CCM Costumes - http://number1costumecostume.com.sg/
Shunji Matsuo - https://www.facebook.com/shunjimatsuohairstudio
http://instagram.com/shunjimatsuo http://twitter.com/ShunjiMatsuoSG
Flesh Imp - http://shop.fleshimp.com
IMBA - https://www.facebook.com/IMBAinteractive?fref=ts
Darren Ashley - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJZq4bADmW0
- published: 07 Dec 2014
- views: 483552
✈Tokyo, Japan ►Vacation Travel Guide
✈Tokyo, Japan ►Vacation Travel Guide WATCH FREE: http://www.nextstop.tv...
✈Tokyo, Japan ►Vacation Travel Guide WATCH FREE: http://www.nextstop.tv
wn.com/✈Tokyo, Japan ►Vacation Travel Guide
✈Tokyo, Japan ►Vacation Travel Guide WATCH FREE: http://www.nextstop.tv
- published: 13 Dec 2013
- views: 30172
Japan Travel Guide - Japan Rail Pass and Budget Tips
http://www.streetsmarttraveler.com/toolbox - In this video, Marcus has created a video Japan Travel Guide, with information on the JR Japan Rail Pass for the bu...
http://www.streetsmarttraveler.com/toolbox - In this video, Marcus has created a video Japan Travel Guide, with information on the JR Japan Rail Pass for the bullet train (shinkansen). He also shares more budget tips.
Full links mentioned in video:
http://www.marcusgoesglobal.com/2010/04/your-personal-tokyo.html - Marcus' personal travel blog
http://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/yourguide/ - Your Guide to Japan
http://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/location/rtg/index.html - Practical Travel Guides
https://www.keisei.co.jp/keisei/tetudou/skyliner/us/nrt_access/tokkyu.html - Keisei Limited Express (tokkyu) train from Narita Airport to Tokyo.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Japan - Public holidays in Japan
http://www.japanrailpass.net - Japan Rail Pass website
http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2362.html - Seishun 18 Kippu "Youthful 18 Ticket" cheap Japan rail pass
http://kshouse.jp - K's House hostels Japan
http://www.superhoteljapan.com - Super Hotel
http://www.toyoko-inn.com - Toyoko Inn
http://rentafonejapan.com - Rentafone Japan, rent mobile phones
http://www.globaladvancedcomm.com/ - Rent iPhones in Japan.
http://www.japantoday.com - English news website for Japan
http://metropolis.co.jp - English magazine for expats and foreigners in Japan
wn.com/Japan Travel Guide Japan Rail Pass And Budget Tips
http://www.streetsmarttraveler.com/toolbox - In this video, Marcus has created a video Japan Travel Guide, with information on the JR Japan Rail Pass for the bullet train (shinkansen). He also shares more budget tips.
Full links mentioned in video:
http://www.marcusgoesglobal.com/2010/04/your-personal-tokyo.html - Marcus' personal travel blog
http://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/yourguide/ - Your Guide to Japan
http://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/location/rtg/index.html - Practical Travel Guides
https://www.keisei.co.jp/keisei/tetudou/skyliner/us/nrt_access/tokkyu.html - Keisei Limited Express (tokkyu) train from Narita Airport to Tokyo.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Japan - Public holidays in Japan
http://www.japanrailpass.net - Japan Rail Pass website
http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2362.html - Seishun 18 Kippu "Youthful 18 Ticket" cheap Japan rail pass
http://kshouse.jp - K's House hostels Japan
http://www.superhoteljapan.com - Super Hotel
http://www.toyoko-inn.com - Toyoko Inn
http://rentafonejapan.com - Rentafone Japan, rent mobile phones
http://www.globaladvancedcomm.com/ - Rent iPhones in Japan.
http://www.japantoday.com - English news website for Japan
http://metropolis.co.jp - English magazine for expats and foreigners in Japan
- published: 27 Jan 2013
- views: 52694
Tokyo, Japan Travel Guide -- "Go or No?" Review
The Ins and Outs of traveling to Tokyo, Japan with Andrea Feczko and Rachel Rudwall
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
The Ins and Outs of traveling to Tokyo, Japan with Andrea Feczko and Rachel Rudwall
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
Capital of Japan, and home to sushi, anime, temples, and crazy fashion, Tokyo is a giant city with a lot to see. But, is it worth the trip?
- Japanese meals: sushi, sake, ramen, shabu shabu, and more
- Tsukiji Fish Market & tuna auction
- Shibuya Crossing, Meiji Shrine, Sensoji Temple, Harajuku
- Metropolitan Government Building aerial view
- Photo booths
- Hotels
- Daiwa Sushi, Kisoji, Marunouchi
- Ginza, Asakusa
- Shopping & Japanese fashion: Ginza, Shibuya, Nakamise
Follow How 2 Travelers on Twitter!
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wn.com/Tokyo, Japan Travel Guide Go Or No Review
The Ins and Outs of traveling to Tokyo, Japan with Andrea Feczko and Rachel Rudwall
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
Capital of Japan, and home to sushi, anime, temples, and crazy fashion, Tokyo is a giant city with a lot to see. But, is it worth the trip?
- Japanese meals: sushi, sake, ramen, shabu shabu, and more
- Tsukiji Fish Market & tuna auction
- Shibuya Crossing, Meiji Shrine, Sensoji Temple, Harajuku
- Metropolitan Government Building aerial view
- Photo booths
- Hotels
- Daiwa Sushi, Kisoji, Marunouchi
- Ginza, Asakusa
- Shopping & Japanese fashion: Ginza, Shibuya, Nakamise
Follow How 2 Travelers on Twitter!
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- published: 25 Nov 2013
- views: 228441
Kyoto, Japan Travel Guide 2016 (HD)
Kyoto, Japan Travel Guide 2016 - Tourism & Vacations in Kyoto, Japan - Kyoto, Japan Trip 2016
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subsc...
Kyoto, Japan Travel Guide 2016 - Tourism & Vacations in Kyoto, Japan - Kyoto, Japan Trip 2016
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Kyōto (京都) was the capital of Japan for over a millennium, and carries a reputation as its most beautiful city. However, visitors may be surprised by how much work they will have to do to see Kyoto's beautiful side. Most first impressions of the city will be of the urban sprawl of central Kyoto, around the ultra-modern glass-and-steel train station, which is itself an example of a city steeped in tradition colliding with the modern world.
Nonetheless, the persistent visitor will soon discover Kyoto's hidden beauty in the temples and parks which ring the city center, and find that the city has much more to offer than immediately meets the eye.
See in Kyoto, Japan
Kyoto offers an incredible number of attractions for tourists, and visitors will probably need to plan an itinerary in advance in order to visit as many as possible.
Japan National Tourist Organization's self-guided "Kyoto Walks" pamphlet is available in a ready to print PDF format here[12]. The guide enables first time visitors to tour the city with ease and with minimum fuss by providing bus numbers, names of bus stops and clearly marked walking routes. There are a variety of self-guided walks in different districts to sample Kyoto's various sites. If you see the browser's dialog box popping up, just click on it till the entire PDF document opens.
World Heritage Sites
In 1994, 17 historic sites were inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List under the group designation Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto. Fourteen of the listed sites are in Kyoto itself, two are in the neighbouring city of Uji and one is in Ōtsu.
Listed by location, the fourteen World Heritage Sites in the city of Kyoto are:
Northern Kyoto: Kinkaku-ji, Ryōan-ji, Ninna-ji, Kōzan-ji, Shimogamo Shrine, Kamigamo Shrine
Central Kyoto: Nijō Castle, Nishi Hongan-ji, Tō-ji
Eastern Kyoto: Kiyomizu-dera, Ginkaku-ji
Western Kyoto: Tenryū-ji, Koke-dera
Southern Kyoto: Daigo-ji
Imperial Palaces and Villas
Stroll through the regal retreats of the Imperial Palace or one of the two Imperial villas with gardens and teahouses managed by the Imperial Household Agency. These are the Imperial Palace (京都御所 Kyōto-gosho) and Sentō Imperial Palace (仙洞御所 Sentō-gosho) in Central Kyoto, Katsura Imperial Villa (桂離宮 Katsura-rikyū) in Western Kyoto, and Shugakuin Imperial Villa (修学院離宮 Shugaku-in-rikyū) in Northern Kyoto. All four of these sites are open to the public by reservation through the Imperial Household Agency. The gardens located within the precints of each palace and villa are at their most scenic during spring cherry blossom season and autumn where a riot of colors enchant visitors. Each property is still used from time to time for official state functions or for private visits by the current royal family members.
The Imperial Household Agency maintains a quota on the number of visitors to each site per tour. Admission is free. English guides are available at the Imperial Palace; however, tours of the Sento Imperial Palace, Katsura Villa, and Shugakuin Villa are conducted in Japanese only (English pamphlets are given at each destination upon entry and books are available for purchase if you'd like to know more). Overseas visitors can apply online to the Imperial Household Agency in English here [13]. On its website are write ups and videos in English for interested visitors to gauge which ones they would like to visit before making an online application. Please note that advanced applications first become available on the first day of the month, three months in advance of the applicant's preferred touring month. For example, if your preferred date of visit falls in the month of April, you can begin applying on January 1. As these visits are over subscribed by the Japanese and overseas visitors, the Imperial Household Agency has to draw lots to pick the successful applicants. All applicants are notified on the status of their applications whether they are successful or otherwise within a week after closing date. Most applicants to the Imperial Palace are accepted, and early reservation is not usually necessary; however, those planning to visit the Sentō Imperial Palace, or either of the Imperial Villas should apply on the first available day of application as they are highly competitive and entire months of tours often become full within the first few days. Winter tours are typically much less competitive, but be aware that the gardens will not be as beautiful as other times of the year.
wn.com/Kyoto, Japan Travel Guide 2016 (Hd)
Kyoto, Japan Travel Guide 2016 - Tourism & Vacations in Kyoto, Japan - Kyoto, Japan Trip 2016
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Kyōto (京都) was the capital of Japan for over a millennium, and carries a reputation as its most beautiful city. However, visitors may be surprised by how much work they will have to do to see Kyoto's beautiful side. Most first impressions of the city will be of the urban sprawl of central Kyoto, around the ultra-modern glass-and-steel train station, which is itself an example of a city steeped in tradition colliding with the modern world.
Nonetheless, the persistent visitor will soon discover Kyoto's hidden beauty in the temples and parks which ring the city center, and find that the city has much more to offer than immediately meets the eye.
See in Kyoto, Japan
Kyoto offers an incredible number of attractions for tourists, and visitors will probably need to plan an itinerary in advance in order to visit as many as possible.
Japan National Tourist Organization's self-guided "Kyoto Walks" pamphlet is available in a ready to print PDF format here[12]. The guide enables first time visitors to tour the city with ease and with minimum fuss by providing bus numbers, names of bus stops and clearly marked walking routes. There are a variety of self-guided walks in different districts to sample Kyoto's various sites. If you see the browser's dialog box popping up, just click on it till the entire PDF document opens.
World Heritage Sites
In 1994, 17 historic sites were inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List under the group designation Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto. Fourteen of the listed sites are in Kyoto itself, two are in the neighbouring city of Uji and one is in Ōtsu.
Listed by location, the fourteen World Heritage Sites in the city of Kyoto are:
Northern Kyoto: Kinkaku-ji, Ryōan-ji, Ninna-ji, Kōzan-ji, Shimogamo Shrine, Kamigamo Shrine
Central Kyoto: Nijō Castle, Nishi Hongan-ji, Tō-ji
Eastern Kyoto: Kiyomizu-dera, Ginkaku-ji
Western Kyoto: Tenryū-ji, Koke-dera
Southern Kyoto: Daigo-ji
Imperial Palaces and Villas
Stroll through the regal retreats of the Imperial Palace or one of the two Imperial villas with gardens and teahouses managed by the Imperial Household Agency. These are the Imperial Palace (京都御所 Kyōto-gosho) and Sentō Imperial Palace (仙洞御所 Sentō-gosho) in Central Kyoto, Katsura Imperial Villa (桂離宮 Katsura-rikyū) in Western Kyoto, and Shugakuin Imperial Villa (修学院離宮 Shugaku-in-rikyū) in Northern Kyoto. All four of these sites are open to the public by reservation through the Imperial Household Agency. The gardens located within the precints of each palace and villa are at their most scenic during spring cherry blossom season and autumn where a riot of colors enchant visitors. Each property is still used from time to time for official state functions or for private visits by the current royal family members.
The Imperial Household Agency maintains a quota on the number of visitors to each site per tour. Admission is free. English guides are available at the Imperial Palace; however, tours of the Sento Imperial Palace, Katsura Villa, and Shugakuin Villa are conducted in Japanese only (English pamphlets are given at each destination upon entry and books are available for purchase if you'd like to know more). Overseas visitors can apply online to the Imperial Household Agency in English here [13]. On its website are write ups and videos in English for interested visitors to gauge which ones they would like to visit before making an online application. Please note that advanced applications first become available on the first day of the month, three months in advance of the applicant's preferred touring month. For example, if your preferred date of visit falls in the month of April, you can begin applying on January 1. As these visits are over subscribed by the Japanese and overseas visitors, the Imperial Household Agency has to draw lots to pick the successful applicants. All applicants are notified on the status of their applications whether they are successful or otherwise within a week after closing date. Most applicants to the Imperial Palace are accepted, and early reservation is not usually necessary; however, those planning to visit the Sentō Imperial Palace, or either of the Imperial Villas should apply on the first available day of application as they are highly competitive and entire months of tours often become full within the first few days. Winter tours are typically much less competitive, but be aware that the gardens will not be as beautiful as other times of the year.
- published: 16 Jan 2015
- views: 21984
Top 5 Things to Do in Tokyo® Japan Travel Guide Harajuku-Shibuya Tour BETA
HERE IS THE MAP! (on google maps)
So now you are in Tokyo and you don't want to s...
HERE IS THE MAP! (on google maps)
So now you are in Tokyo and you don't want to spend the day going from a place to another in a dark subway, right?
So here there is my recommendation, an awesome tour of 5 of the best places in Tokyo, all at a walking distance!
Obviously there are more than 5 things to do in Tokyo and each person has their own favorite places to visit. That being said, if you are a first timer in Japan, I recommend you spend half a day to do this tour. SERIOUSLY. Do this and you'll save a lot of time. Unless you want to see Sumo or the fish market, but if you are around my age, you will love this tour. You see the beautiful Japanese Meiji Shrine, see the crazy young Takeshitadori, the cool&hip; Harajuku Cat Street, get lost in Shibuya crossing, walk through the insane Center Street in Shibuya, and check out a really cool shop in Shibuya called LOFT for some shopping. Not to mention one of the best beers/ales in Tokyo and tons of shops on the way.
1) Meiji Jingu - https://www.google.com/maps/preview?q=meiji+jingu&ie;=UTF-8&ei;=clUSVJ2wDNbh8AWho4HgBA&ved;=0CAcQ_AUoAg
2) Takeshita Street - https://www.google.com/maps/place/Takeshita+Street/@35.6709203,139.7032242,18z/data=!4m5!1m2!2m1!1stakeshita+street+omotesando!3m1!1s0x0:0x1ea96e04223979bd
3) Harajuku Gyoza (Dumpling) - https://www.google.com/maps/search/gyoza+omotesando/@35.6675326,139.7060823,21z
4) Cat Street/Smokehouse - https://www.google.com/maps/place/SMOKEHOUSE+%E3%82%B9%E3%83%A2%E3%83%BC%E3%82%AF%E3%83%8F%E3%82%A6%E3%82%B9/@35.665532,139.704817,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x60188ca69a302d09:0x22f2979e65ea0099
5) Shibuya Crossing/Loft - https://www.google.com/maps/place/Loft/@35.661078,139.699496,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x60188ca85add52bf:0xc942f69271e3b8b4
When you are done with the tour you can easily walk to Yoyogi Koen and check out the park.
★My new site with all my videos and Japan travel tips and guides.
★ 日本語の動画プレイリストだよ /Playlist of my Japanese Videos
★ RAW TOKYO STRET VLOG /俺のRAWな東京ストリートTVチャンネル
★ INSTAGRAM/インスタグラム/
★ TWITTER/ ツイッター
wn.com/Top 5 Things To Do In Tokyo® Japan Travel Guide Harajuku Shibuya Tour Beta
HERE IS THE MAP! (on google maps)
So now you are in Tokyo and you don't want to spend the day going from a place to another in a dark subway, right?
So here there is my recommendation, an awesome tour of 5 of the best places in Tokyo, all at a walking distance!
Obviously there are more than 5 things to do in Tokyo and each person has their own favorite places to visit. That being said, if you are a first timer in Japan, I recommend you spend half a day to do this tour. SERIOUSLY. Do this and you'll save a lot of time. Unless you want to see Sumo or the fish market, but if you are around my age, you will love this tour. You see the beautiful Japanese Meiji Shrine, see the crazy young Takeshitadori, the cool&hip; Harajuku Cat Street, get lost in Shibuya crossing, walk through the insane Center Street in Shibuya, and check out a really cool shop in Shibuya called LOFT for some shopping. Not to mention one of the best beers/ales in Tokyo and tons of shops on the way.
1) Meiji Jingu - https://www.google.com/maps/preview?q=meiji+jingu&ie;=UTF-8&ei;=clUSVJ2wDNbh8AWho4HgBA&ved;=0CAcQ_AUoAg
2) Takeshita Street - https://www.google.com/maps/place/Takeshita+Street/@35.6709203,139.7032242,18z/data=!4m5!1m2!2m1!1stakeshita+street+omotesando!3m1!1s0x0:0x1ea96e04223979bd
3) Harajuku Gyoza (Dumpling) - https://www.google.com/maps/search/gyoza+omotesando/@35.6675326,139.7060823,21z
4) Cat Street/Smokehouse - https://www.google.com/maps/place/SMOKEHOUSE+%E3%82%B9%E3%83%A2%E3%83%BC%E3%82%AF%E3%83%8F%E3%82%A6%E3%82%B9/@35.665532,139.704817,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x60188ca69a302d09:0x22f2979e65ea0099
5) Shibuya Crossing/Loft - https://www.google.com/maps/place/Loft/@35.661078,139.699496,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x60188ca85add52bf:0xc942f69271e3b8b4
When you are done with the tour you can easily walk to Yoyogi Koen and check out the park.
★My new site with all my videos and Japan travel tips and guides.
★ 日本語の動画プレイリストだよ /Playlist of my Japanese Videos
★ RAW TOKYO STRET VLOG /俺のRAWな東京ストリートTVチャンネル
★ INSTAGRAM/インスタグラム/
★ TWITTER/ ツイッター
- published: 12 Sep 2014
- views: 52087
Japan Travel Guide: 7 More Things You Need to Know before Coming to Japan
7 More Things You Need to Know before Coming to Japan
I’m talking about 7 things you need to know before coming to ...
7 More Things You Need to Know before Coming to Japan
I’m talking about 7 things you need to know before coming to Japan.
This is the second video of 10 things you need to know before coming to Japan.
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
1. Close the door 0:37
2. Taking off your shoes…again 1:08
3. Pharmacy & Medicine 2:03
Yakkan certificate
First-class OTC drugs
4. When you go sightseeing… 4:46
5. Smoke, Drug, Knife 6:11
6. Summer in Japan 6:54
7. About making reservations 7:37
Please watch this video till the end.
I left extra message.
Watch “10 Things You Need to Know before Coming to Japan”
I’m offering the info about traveling to Japan and working as a guide.
If you’re interested in, Please send me an e-mail!!!
Thank you so much for watching travel video by Experience JAPAN with YUKA.
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My Blog: http://expja.com/ (coming up soon!)
Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss my next exploration.
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7 More Things You Need to Know before Coming to Japan
wn.com/Japan Travel Guide 7 More Things You Need To Know Before Coming To Japan
7 More Things You Need to Know before Coming to Japan
I’m talking about 7 things you need to know before coming to Japan.
This is the second video of 10 things you need to know before coming to Japan.
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
1. Close the door 0:37
2. Taking off your shoes…again 1:08
3. Pharmacy & Medicine 2:03
Yakkan certificate
First-class OTC drugs
4. When you go sightseeing… 4:46
5. Smoke, Drug, Knife 6:11
6. Summer in Japan 6:54
7. About making reservations 7:37
Please watch this video till the end.
I left extra message.
Watch “10 Things You Need to Know before Coming to Japan”
I’m offering the info about traveling to Japan and working as a guide.
If you’re interested in, Please send me an e-mail!!!
Thank you so much for watching travel video by Experience JAPAN with YUKA.
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/expjpw
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/yuka_expjapan
My Blog: http://expja.com/ (coming up soon!)
Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss my next exploration.
You can subscribe right here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=expjpw
7 More Things You Need to Know before Coming to Japan
- published: 03 Aug 2015
- views: 28775
Japan Tourism & Vacations 2016
Japan Tourism & Vacations 2016, Japan Trip 2016, Japan travel guide 2016, Japan holidays, Japan travel
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube....
Japan Tourism & Vacations 2016, Japan Trip 2016, Japan travel guide 2016, Japan holidays, Japan travel
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Japan, known as Nihon or Nippon (日本) in Japanese, is a nation of islands in East Asia
See in Japan
When most Westerners think of castles, they naturally think of their own in places like England and France however, Japan, too, was a nation of castle-builders. In its feudal days, you could find multiple castles in nearly every prefecture.
Original Castles
Because of bombings in WWII, fires, edicts to tear down castles, etc. only twelve of Japan's castles are considered to be originals, which have donjons that date back to the days when they were still used. Four of them are located on the island of Shikoku, two just north in the Chugoku region, two in Kansai, three in the Chubu region, and one in the northern Tohoku region. There are no original castles in Kyushu, Kanto, Hokkaido, or Okinawa.
Japan is famous for its gardens, known for its unique aesthestics both in landscape gardens and Zen rock/sand gardens. The nation has designated an official "Top Three Gardens", based on their beauty, size, authenticity (gardens that have not been drastically altered), and historical significance. Those gardens are Kairakuen in Mito, Kenrokuen in Kanazawa, and Korakuen in Okayama. The largest garden, and the favorite of many travellers, is actually Ritsurin Park in Takamatsu.
Rock and sand gardens can typically be found in temples, specifically those of Zen Buddhism. The most famous of these is Ryoanji Temple in Kyoto, but such temples can be found throughout Japan. Moss gardens are also popular in Japan and Koke-dera, also in Kyoto, has one of the nation's best. Reservations are required to visit just so that they can ensure the moss is always flourishing and not trampled.
Spiritual Sites
Regardless of your travel interests, it's difficult to visit Japan without at least seeing a few shrines and temples. Buddhist and Shinto sites are the most common, although there are some noteworthy spiritual sites of other religions, as well.
Buddhism has had a profound impact on Japan ever since it was introduced in the 6th century. Like shrines, temples can be found in every city, and many different sects exist.
Horyuji Temple in Horyuji, just south of Nara, is the world's oldest wooden structure. The beautiful Phoenix Hall in Uji is seen by most visitors to Japan on the back of the ten yen coin, if not in real-life.
Shintoism is the "native" religion of Japan, so those looking to experience things that are "wholly Japanese" should particularly enjoy them as they truly embody the Japanese aesthetic. The holiest Shinto Shrine is the Grand Ise Shrine, while the second holiest is Izumo Shrine, where the gods gather annually for a meeting. Other famous holy shrines include Itsukushima Shrine' in Miyajima, Toshogu Shrine in Nikko, the Kumano Sanzan, and the Dewa Sanzan. Kyoto also has many important historic shrines, such as Shimogamo Shrine, Kamigamo Shrine, and Fushimi Inari Shrine.
Do in Japan
Japan's Top 100 Cherry Blossoms Spots
Climb the 3776 meter Mount Fuji, an icon of Japan.
Take a walk amidst thousands of cherry blossoms in Yoshino
Ascend Mount Aso to see one of the world's largest calderas
Visit the snowy peaks of the country's largest national park, Daisetsuzan.
Climb the 2446 stone stops of the holy Haguro mountain through an amazing primeval forest.
Soak in the hot springs of Japan's Onsen Capital, Beppu.
Go River rafting in some of the last wild rivers in Japan in the Iya Valley
Ski the world famous powder of Hokkaido or in the Japan Alps.
Overnight in one of the holy temples of Mount Koya.
wn.com/Japan Tourism Vacations 2016
Japan Tourism & Vacations 2016, Japan Trip 2016, Japan travel guide 2016, Japan holidays, Japan travel
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Japan, known as Nihon or Nippon (日本) in Japanese, is a nation of islands in East Asia
See in Japan
When most Westerners think of castles, they naturally think of their own in places like England and France however, Japan, too, was a nation of castle-builders. In its feudal days, you could find multiple castles in nearly every prefecture.
Original Castles
Because of bombings in WWII, fires, edicts to tear down castles, etc. only twelve of Japan's castles are considered to be originals, which have donjons that date back to the days when they were still used. Four of them are located on the island of Shikoku, two just north in the Chugoku region, two in Kansai, three in the Chubu region, and one in the northern Tohoku region. There are no original castles in Kyushu, Kanto, Hokkaido, or Okinawa.
Japan is famous for its gardens, known for its unique aesthestics both in landscape gardens and Zen rock/sand gardens. The nation has designated an official "Top Three Gardens", based on their beauty, size, authenticity (gardens that have not been drastically altered), and historical significance. Those gardens are Kairakuen in Mito, Kenrokuen in Kanazawa, and Korakuen in Okayama. The largest garden, and the favorite of many travellers, is actually Ritsurin Park in Takamatsu.
Rock and sand gardens can typically be found in temples, specifically those of Zen Buddhism. The most famous of these is Ryoanji Temple in Kyoto, but such temples can be found throughout Japan. Moss gardens are also popular in Japan and Koke-dera, also in Kyoto, has one of the nation's best. Reservations are required to visit just so that they can ensure the moss is always flourishing and not trampled.
Spiritual Sites
Regardless of your travel interests, it's difficult to visit Japan without at least seeing a few shrines and temples. Buddhist and Shinto sites are the most common, although there are some noteworthy spiritual sites of other religions, as well.
Buddhism has had a profound impact on Japan ever since it was introduced in the 6th century. Like shrines, temples can be found in every city, and many different sects exist.
Horyuji Temple in Horyuji, just south of Nara, is the world's oldest wooden structure. The beautiful Phoenix Hall in Uji is seen by most visitors to Japan on the back of the ten yen coin, if not in real-life.
Shintoism is the "native" religion of Japan, so those looking to experience things that are "wholly Japanese" should particularly enjoy them as they truly embody the Japanese aesthetic. The holiest Shinto Shrine is the Grand Ise Shrine, while the second holiest is Izumo Shrine, where the gods gather annually for a meeting. Other famous holy shrines include Itsukushima Shrine' in Miyajima, Toshogu Shrine in Nikko, the Kumano Sanzan, and the Dewa Sanzan. Kyoto also has many important historic shrines, such as Shimogamo Shrine, Kamigamo Shrine, and Fushimi Inari Shrine.
Do in Japan
Japan's Top 100 Cherry Blossoms Spots
Climb the 3776 meter Mount Fuji, an icon of Japan.
Take a walk amidst thousands of cherry blossoms in Yoshino
Ascend Mount Aso to see one of the world's largest calderas
Visit the snowy peaks of the country's largest national park, Daisetsuzan.
Climb the 2446 stone stops of the holy Haguro mountain through an amazing primeval forest.
Soak in the hot springs of Japan's Onsen Capital, Beppu.
Go River rafting in some of the last wild rivers in Japan in the Iya Valley
Ski the world famous powder of Hokkaido or in the Japan Alps.
Overnight in one of the holy temples of Mount Koya.
- published: 13 Jan 2015
- views: 81783
Top 10 Travel Attractions, Kyoto (Japan) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of Kyoto, Japan - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I...
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of Kyoto, Japan - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I would like to give you a tour of the top ten attractions of Kyoto, Japan.
Number ten, Gion District. A wonderful traditional neighborhood in the city of Kyoto, during your time here you are likely to see geishas in their traditional attire.
Number nine, Bamboo Grove. Unlike any other place you are going to see. Walking through the bamboo grove, you are in a different world, surrounded by the tall bamboo trees.
Number eight, Heian Shrine. This Shinto shrine was constructed in 1895 and commemorates Kyoto's past emperors. These days, it's a site for many local festivals.
Number seven, Kinkaku-ji. Kyoto has numerous cultural sites. Kinkaku-ji, the Buddhist temple of the golden pavilion, is among Kyoto's 17 World Cultural Heritage sites.
Number six, Kiyomizu. Another famous temple of Kyoto built all the way back in the 8th century. Locals enjoy the surrounding natural landscape that changes throughout the year.
Number five, Fushimi Inari Shrine. Walking through the striking shrine gates, you are transported into another world. Many tradespeople come here to pray for prosperity of their businesses.
Number four, local culture. In Japan, even the simple day to day things are fascinating. You'll find the local way of life is spiritual as well as one that's harmonious with nature.
Number three, Ginkaku-ji, the temple was constructed in the 15th century. Japanese architecture melds nature with buildings beautifully, and you clearly see that in this temple's gardens.
Number two, Nijo Castle. A large complex built in the early 17th century. You can take the inside tour and witness its fortress-like features, along with its emphasis on harmony with nature.
And number one, cherry blossom. Kyoto is one of the world's most beautiful cities. A perfect time to visit this city is during the cherry blossoms, when its great cultural attractions look even more stunning.
Keep watching our travel series. Ciao.
wn.com/Top 10 Travel Attractions, Kyoto (Japan) Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of Kyoto, Japan - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I would like to give you a tour of the top ten attractions of Kyoto, Japan.
Number ten, Gion District. A wonderful traditional neighborhood in the city of Kyoto, during your time here you are likely to see geishas in their traditional attire.
Number nine, Bamboo Grove. Unlike any other place you are going to see. Walking through the bamboo grove, you are in a different world, surrounded by the tall bamboo trees.
Number eight, Heian Shrine. This Shinto shrine was constructed in 1895 and commemorates Kyoto's past emperors. These days, it's a site for many local festivals.
Number seven, Kinkaku-ji. Kyoto has numerous cultural sites. Kinkaku-ji, the Buddhist temple of the golden pavilion, is among Kyoto's 17 World Cultural Heritage sites.
Number six, Kiyomizu. Another famous temple of Kyoto built all the way back in the 8th century. Locals enjoy the surrounding natural landscape that changes throughout the year.
Number five, Fushimi Inari Shrine. Walking through the striking shrine gates, you are transported into another world. Many tradespeople come here to pray for prosperity of their businesses.
Number four, local culture. In Japan, even the simple day to day things are fascinating. You'll find the local way of life is spiritual as well as one that's harmonious with nature.
Number three, Ginkaku-ji, the temple was constructed in the 15th century. Japanese architecture melds nature with buildings beautifully, and you clearly see that in this temple's gardens.
Number two, Nijo Castle. A large complex built in the early 17th century. You can take the inside tour and witness its fortress-like features, along with its emphasis on harmony with nature.
And number one, cherry blossom. Kyoto is one of the world's most beautiful cities. A perfect time to visit this city is during the cherry blossoms, when its great cultural attractions look even more stunning.
Keep watching our travel series. Ciao.
- published: 04 Aug 2010
- views: 240922
Kyoto Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Kyoto, Japan, has long been considered one of the country’s most beautiful cities. Once the capital of the nation, Kyoto is now an ultra-modern haven that retai...
Kyoto, Japan, has long been considered one of the country’s most beautiful cities. Once the capital of the nation, Kyoto is now an ultra-modern haven that retains a great deal of its ancient charm.
To see some of this long-established glamour, make your way to Kyoto Tower. Just two miles east of the tower is Gion, an entertainment quarter and home to many of Kyoto’s famous geishas. As you walk east through Gion, you’ll find even more old architecture, including several Ryokan, or traditional Japanese inns. Many date back to the Edo period, which ranged from 1603 to 1868.
During your Kyoto tour, take a rickshaw ride to the Sannen-zaka and Ninen-zaka districts, where cars are prohibited and traditional teahouses and temples adorn the nearby landscape. Kyoto is known as “The City of Ten Thousand Shrines” for good reason. Walk through the great open plazas of the Haian Shrine, or spend a quiet moment in the intimate confines of the Shorenin Temple and its beautiful gardens.
The most famous of Kyoto’s temples is Fushimi Inari-taisha, a stunning red complex that sprawls over Mount Inari, which is named after and dedicated to Inari, the fox spirit. A hike to the summit takes about two hours, and will lead you through thousands of colorful sub-shrines and thick, ancient forest. Once you’re at the top, you’ll have a stunning view of Kyoto.
What is your favorite part of Kyoto?
Visit our Kyoto travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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wn.com/Kyoto Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Kyoto, Japan, has long been considered one of the country’s most beautiful cities. Once the capital of the nation, Kyoto is now an ultra-modern haven that retains a great deal of its ancient charm.
To see some of this long-established glamour, make your way to Kyoto Tower. Just two miles east of the tower is Gion, an entertainment quarter and home to many of Kyoto’s famous geishas. As you walk east through Gion, you’ll find even more old architecture, including several Ryokan, or traditional Japanese inns. Many date back to the Edo period, which ranged from 1603 to 1868.
During your Kyoto tour, take a rickshaw ride to the Sannen-zaka and Ninen-zaka districts, where cars are prohibited and traditional teahouses and temples adorn the nearby landscape. Kyoto is known as “The City of Ten Thousand Shrines” for good reason. Walk through the great open plazas of the Haian Shrine, or spend a quiet moment in the intimate confines of the Shorenin Temple and its beautiful gardens.
The most famous of Kyoto’s temples is Fushimi Inari-taisha, a stunning red complex that sprawls over Mount Inari, which is named after and dedicated to Inari, the fox spirit. A hike to the summit takes about two hours, and will lead you through thousands of colorful sub-shrines and thick, ancient forest. Once you’re at the top, you’ll have a stunning view of Kyoto.
What is your favorite part of Kyoto?
Visit our Kyoto travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
Follow us on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Expedia
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Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
- published: 30 Jan 2015
- views: 200865
What happens if you make a travel show with no planning?
FIRST TIME HERE follows travelers Josh and Emily as they explore new places for the first time. See mor...
What happens if you make a travel show with no planning?
FIRST TIME HERE follows travelers Josh and Emily as they explore new places for the first time. See more at http://firsttimeheretravel.com/.
Shot in Japan over 4 days in April 2012, episode 1 of FIRST TIME HERE takes Josh and Emily to Kyoto and Tokyo.
FIRST TIME HERE: JAPAN was created as a pilot. The teaser for the South Africa episode at the end is there to make the pilot feel like a full episode of the show we hope to continue making. The footage in South Africa was actually shot as a screen test for Emily, who had never been on camera before.
FIRST TIME HERE: JAPAN was filmed during the Spring 2012 voyage of Semester at Sea. For more information about the Semester At Sea visit http://www.semesteratsea.org.
Shot, Directed, and Edited by: Adam J Bianchi
Starring: Josh Best and Emily Volkmann
wn.com/First Time Here Japan Full Episode Hd
What happens if you make a travel show with no planning?
FIRST TIME HERE follows travelers Josh and Emily as they explore new places for the first time. See more at http://firsttimeheretravel.com/.
Shot in Japan over 4 days in April 2012, episode 1 of FIRST TIME HERE takes Josh and Emily to Kyoto and Tokyo.
FIRST TIME HERE: JAPAN was created as a pilot. The teaser for the South Africa episode at the end is there to make the pilot feel like a full episode of the show we hope to continue making. The footage in South Africa was actually shot as a screen test for Emily, who had never been on camera before.
FIRST TIME HERE: JAPAN was filmed during the Spring 2012 voyage of Semester at Sea. For more information about the Semester At Sea visit http://www.semesteratsea.org.
Shot, Directed, and Edited by: Adam J Bianchi
Starring: Josh Best and Emily Volkmann
- published: 04 Feb 2013
- views: 1064014
11 Things to Do in Sapporo | Japan Travel Guide
Sapporo city offers everything to travelers: bountiful nature, fascinating culture, and delicious cuisine. Today, Japanesquest presents you with 11 places to vi...
Sapporo city offers everything to travelers: bountiful nature, fascinating culture, and delicious cuisine. Today, Japanesquest presents you with 11 places to visit in Sapporo!
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No.1 Curb Market 0:29
No.2 Odori Park 0:58
No.3 Hokkaido University 1:50
No.4 Maruyama Park 2:41
No.5 Sapporo Station 3:20
No.6 Ramen Republic 4:29
No.7 Historical Village of Hokkaido 5:10
No.8 Shiroi Koibito Park 6:02
No. 9 Moerenuma Park 6:48
No.10 Susukino District 7:31
No.11 Mt. Moiwa 8:11
Help us caption & translate this video!
wn.com/11 Things To Do In Sapporo | Japan Travel Guide
Sapporo city offers everything to travelers: bountiful nature, fascinating culture, and delicious cuisine. Today, Japanesquest presents you with 11 places to visit in Sapporo!
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No.1 Curb Market 0:29
No.2 Odori Park 0:58
No.3 Hokkaido University 1:50
No.4 Maruyama Park 2:41
No.5 Sapporo Station 3:20
No.6 Ramen Republic 4:29
No.7 Historical Village of Hokkaido 5:10
No.8 Shiroi Koibito Park 6:02
No. 9 Moerenuma Park 6:48
No.10 Susukino District 7:31
No.11 Mt. Moiwa 8:11
Help us caption & translate this video!
- published: 20 Sep 2015
- views: 17270
Japan Travel Cost: Accommodation in JAPAN #3: Japan Travel Guide
Japan Travel Cost: Accommodations in Japan #3: Japan Travel Guide http://youtu.be/d4YrT8UceUU
Accommodations in Japan #3!
I talk about 3 more unique type of ac...
Japan Travel Cost: Accommodations in Japan #3: Japan Travel Guide http://youtu.be/d4YrT8UceUU
Accommodations in Japan #3!
I talk about 3 more unique type of accommodation in Japan in this video!
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
Well, in this video, I talk about 3 unique types of accommodation in Japan
1. 24 Hour Baths -1:10
Oedo Onsen Monogatari at Odaiba, Tokyo
The link of the plan I mentioned in the videso:
But they don’t have English site for it.
So, if you are interested in the plan please contact me.
LaQua at Tokyo Dome City, Tokyo
Spa World at Ebisu higashi, Osaka
2. Love Hotel – 2:26
3. Camping in Japan – 4:29
★Watch the Series of Accommodation in JAPAN!
Japan travel cost: Accommodation in JAPAN #1: Japan Travel Guide
Japan travel cost: Accommodation in JAPAN #2 Japan Travel Guide
Japan travel cost: Accommodation in JAPAN #4 Japan Travel Guide
Japan travel cost: Accommodation in JAPAN #5 Japan Travel Guide
I’m offering the info about traveling to Japan and working as a guide.
If you’re interested in, Please send me an e-mail!!!
Thank you so much for watching travel video by Experience JAPAN with YUKA.
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/expjpw
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My Blog: http://expja.com/ (coming up soon!)
Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss my next exploration.
You can subscribe right here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=expjpw
Japan Travel Cost: Accommodations in Japan #3: Japan Travel Guide http://youtu.be/d4YrT8UceUU
Japan travel cost, cost of traveling japan, accommodation in japan, 24 hour baths in japan, love hotel in japan, camping in japan, urban camping in japan, hotel in japan, Japanese style inn Japanese culture, Japanese holiday, Japanese holidays, Japan travel, travel japan, japan travel guide, Japan tourism, japan trip, trip to Japan, facts in japan, things to do in japan, Japanese girl, Japan guide, Travel japan guide, Travel japan tips, Travel japan blog, Japan travel blog, Japan travel info, Experience JAPAN with YUKA, YUKA
Japan Travel Cost: Accommodations in Japan #3: Japan Travel Guide http://youtu.be/d4YrT8UceUU
wn.com/Japan Travel Cost Accommodation In Japan 3 Japan Travel Guide
Japan Travel Cost: Accommodations in Japan #3: Japan Travel Guide http://youtu.be/d4YrT8UceUU
Accommodations in Japan #3!
I talk about 3 more unique type of accommodation in Japan in this video!
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
Well, in this video, I talk about 3 unique types of accommodation in Japan
1. 24 Hour Baths -1:10
Oedo Onsen Monogatari at Odaiba, Tokyo
The link of the plan I mentioned in the videso:
But they don’t have English site for it.
So, if you are interested in the plan please contact me.
LaQua at Tokyo Dome City, Tokyo
Spa World at Ebisu higashi, Osaka
2. Love Hotel – 2:26
3. Camping in Japan – 4:29
★Watch the Series of Accommodation in JAPAN!
Japan travel cost: Accommodation in JAPAN #1: Japan Travel Guide
Japan travel cost: Accommodation in JAPAN #2 Japan Travel Guide
Japan travel cost: Accommodation in JAPAN #4 Japan Travel Guide
Japan travel cost: Accommodation in JAPAN #5 Japan Travel Guide
I’m offering the info about traveling to Japan and working as a guide.
If you’re interested in, Please send me an e-mail!!!
Thank you so much for watching travel video by Experience JAPAN with YUKA.
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/expjpw
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/yuka_expjapan
My Blog: http://expja.com/ (coming up soon!)
Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss my next exploration.
You can subscribe right here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=expjpw
Japan Travel Cost: Accommodations in Japan #3: Japan Travel Guide http://youtu.be/d4YrT8UceUU
Japan travel cost, cost of traveling japan, accommodation in japan, 24 hour baths in japan, love hotel in japan, camping in japan, urban camping in japan, hotel in japan, Japanese style inn Japanese culture, Japanese holiday, Japanese holidays, Japan travel, travel japan, japan travel guide, Japan tourism, japan trip, trip to Japan, facts in japan, things to do in japan, Japanese girl, Japan guide, Travel japan guide, Travel japan tips, Travel japan blog, Japan travel blog, Japan travel info, Experience JAPAN with YUKA, YUKA
Japan Travel Cost: Accommodations in Japan #3: Japan Travel Guide http://youtu.be/d4YrT8UceUU
- published: 18 Feb 2015
- views: 7779
Japan Travel Cost: Japan Rail Pass #1: Japan Travel Guide
Japan Travel Cost: Japan Rail Pass #1: Japan Travel Guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUmL6sGvaig
I share the information about “Japan Rail Pass”!!!!
Japan Travel Cost: Japan Rail Pass #1: Japan Travel Guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUmL6sGvaig
I share the information about “Japan Rail Pass”!!!!
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
I’ve got so many questions about “Japan Rail Pass”!
I hope I answered your questions about “Japan Rail Pass”.
In this video, I share the information people want to know.
The first and the most!
Whether getting “Japan Rail Pass” is right choice for you or not.
Everybody has different itineraries unless you join the package toure.
Please use the information in the video and decide whether you’ll get “Japan Rail Pass” or not!
Japan Rail Pass : Types & Prices (Green is for superior-class Green cars)
7 days: Ordinary 29110 yen / Green 38880 yen
14 days: Ordinary 46390 yen / Green 62950 yen
21 days: Ordinary 59350 yen / Green 81870 yen
More videos about “Japan Rail Pass” are on the way!
Watch Other "Japan Rail Pass" videos!
"Japan Rail Pass #2"
"Japan Rail Pass #3"
I’m offering the info about traveling to Japan and working as a guide.
If you’re interested in, Please send me an e-mail!!!
Thank you so much for watching travel video by Experience JAPAN with YUKA.
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/expjpw
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/yuka_expjapan
My Blog: http://expja.com/ (coming up soon!)
Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss my next exploration.
You can subscribe right here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=expjpw
Japan Travel Cost: Japan Rail Pass #1: Japan Travel Guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUmL6sGvaig
Japan rail pass, jr rail pass, japan rail, Japan travel cost, rail pass Japan rail pass, jr rail pass,bullet train japan, japan bullet train, japan rail, Japan travel cost, rail pass japan, cost of traveling japan, Japanese culture, where to go in japan, places to visit in japan, Japan travel, travel japan, japan travel guide, Japan tourism, japan trip, trip to Japan, facts about japan, things to do in japan, Japanese girl, Japan guide, Travel japan guide, japan travel tips, Travel japan tips, Travel japan blog, Japan travel blog, Japan travel info, Experience JAPAN with YUKA
Japan Travel Cost: Japan Rail Pass #1: Japan Travel Guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUmL6sGvaig
wn.com/Japan Travel Cost Japan Rail Pass 1 Japan Travel Guide
Japan Travel Cost: Japan Rail Pass #1: Japan Travel Guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUmL6sGvaig
I share the information about “Japan Rail Pass”!!!!
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
I’ve got so many questions about “Japan Rail Pass”!
I hope I answered your questions about “Japan Rail Pass”.
In this video, I share the information people want to know.
The first and the most!
Whether getting “Japan Rail Pass” is right choice for you or not.
Everybody has different itineraries unless you join the package toure.
Please use the information in the video and decide whether you’ll get “Japan Rail Pass” or not!
Japan Rail Pass : Types & Prices (Green is for superior-class Green cars)
7 days: Ordinary 29110 yen / Green 38880 yen
14 days: Ordinary 46390 yen / Green 62950 yen
21 days: Ordinary 59350 yen / Green 81870 yen
More videos about “Japan Rail Pass” are on the way!
Watch Other "Japan Rail Pass" videos!
"Japan Rail Pass #2"
"Japan Rail Pass #3"
I’m offering the info about traveling to Japan and working as a guide.
If you’re interested in, Please send me an e-mail!!!
Thank you so much for watching travel video by Experience JAPAN with YUKA.
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/expjpw
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/yuka_expjapan
My Blog: http://expja.com/ (coming up soon!)
Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss my next exploration.
You can subscribe right here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=expjpw
Japan Travel Cost: Japan Rail Pass #1: Japan Travel Guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUmL6sGvaig
Japan rail pass, jr rail pass, japan rail, Japan travel cost, rail pass Japan rail pass, jr rail pass,bullet train japan, japan bullet train, japan rail, Japan travel cost, rail pass japan, cost of traveling japan, Japanese culture, where to go in japan, places to visit in japan, Japan travel, travel japan, japan travel guide, Japan tourism, japan trip, trip to Japan, facts about japan, things to do in japan, Japanese girl, Japan guide, Travel japan guide, japan travel tips, Travel japan tips, Travel japan blog, Japan travel blog, Japan travel info, Experience JAPAN with YUKA
Japan Travel Cost: Japan Rail Pass #1: Japan Travel Guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUmL6sGvaig
- published: 05 May 2015
- views: 14173
Sapporo Japan Travel Guide
A travel guide for Sapporo Japan - the capital of Japan's northern island state of Hokkaido. Highlights include the Clock Tower, Odori Park, Sapporo TV Tower, ...
A travel guide for Sapporo Japan - the capital of Japan's northern island state of Hokkaido. Highlights include the Clock Tower, Odori Park, Sapporo TV Tower, Tanukijoki Shopping Street, Sapporo Beer Museum, Sapporo Factory Mall, Central Fish Market and Curb Market, Ramen Alley, and Chitose Airport.
Sapporo seems peaceful at street level but there are miles and miles of underground passages and shopping malls that bring out the "crowded" feel of larger Japanese cities like Tokyo. Come in the summer in enjoy the beer festival, or in the winter to enjoy the massive snow and ice sculptures.
Check out the "Cool Japan" playlist for more Japan videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL14F9F774CE8798C3
Visit my channel for additional fun travel guides: http://www.youtube.com/user/yellowwproductions
Subscribe for my latest travel guides in your feed: http://bit.ly/17y4W2K
wn.com/Sapporo Japan Travel Guide
A travel guide for Sapporo Japan - the capital of Japan's northern island state of Hokkaido. Highlights include the Clock Tower, Odori Park, Sapporo TV Tower, Tanukijoki Shopping Street, Sapporo Beer Museum, Sapporo Factory Mall, Central Fish Market and Curb Market, Ramen Alley, and Chitose Airport.
Sapporo seems peaceful at street level but there are miles and miles of underground passages and shopping malls that bring out the "crowded" feel of larger Japanese cities like Tokyo. Come in the summer in enjoy the beer festival, or in the winter to enjoy the massive snow and ice sculptures.
Check out the "Cool Japan" playlist for more Japan videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL14F9F774CE8798C3
Visit my channel for additional fun travel guides: http://www.youtube.com/user/yellowwproductions
Subscribe for my latest travel guides in your feed: http://bit.ly/17y4W2K
- published: 05 Feb 2013
- views: 80539
Hakone Japan Travel Guide
A helpful travel guide for anyone planning on visiting Hakone Japan. Tips on taking the train, Hakone Ropeway, cable car, and sights to see.
Check out the "Co...
A helpful travel guide for anyone planning on visiting Hakone Japan. Tips on taking the train, Hakone Ropeway, cable car, and sights to see.
Check out the "Cool Japan" playlist for more Japan videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL14F9F774CE8798C3
Visit my channel for additional fun travel guides: http://www.youtube.com/user/yellowwproductions
Subscribe to receive my latest travel guides in your feed: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=yellowwproductions
wn.com/Hakone Japan Travel Guide
A helpful travel guide for anyone planning on visiting Hakone Japan. Tips on taking the train, Hakone Ropeway, cable car, and sights to see.
Check out the "Cool Japan" playlist for more Japan videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL14F9F774CE8798C3
Visit my channel for additional fun travel guides: http://www.youtube.com/user/yellowwproductions
Subscribe to receive my latest travel guides in your feed: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=yellowwproductions
- published: 15 Feb 2012
- views: 28520
Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN (Japanese Money) #1: Ways you pay in JAPAN
Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN (Japanese Money) #1: Ways you pay i n JAPAN: http://youtu.be/YUisubvpslI
I explain Money in Japan.
★Watch another Money in J...
Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN (Japanese Money) #1: Ways you pay i n JAPAN: http://youtu.be/YUisubvpslI
I explain Money in Japan.
★Watch another Money in Japan episode!
How to prepare your Japanese Yen #2:
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
I explain “Money in Japan”.
I show you Japanese Money and ways you can pay in Japan.
In Japan, there are situations that you can’t use credit cards. So, you need to prepare cash at hand. Even big chain restaurants don’t accept credit cards like many chain belt conveyer sushi restaurants. It means not only small stores or restaurants….
So, Please notice!
★ About tax free: Check the link below!
I’m offering the info about traveling to Japan and working as a guide.
If you’re interested in, Please send me an e-mail!!!
Music: Thank You to Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Thank you so much for watching travel video by Experience JAPAN with YUKA.
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/expjpw
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/yuka_expjapan
My Blog: http://expja.com/ (coming up soon!)
Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss my next exploration.
You can subscribe right here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=expjpw
Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN (Japanese Money) #1: Ways you pay i n JAPAN: http://youtu.be/YUisubvpslI
Money in japan, Japanese money, how to pay in japan, Japan travel, Japanese culture, travel japan, japan travel guide, Japan tourism, japan trip , things to do in japan, Japanese girl, Japan guide, , Travel japan guide, Travel japan tips, Travel japan blog, , Japan travel blog, Japan travel info, Travel Japanese, Japanese travel, learn Japanese, Experience JAPAN with YUKA, YUKA
Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN (Japanese Money) #1: Ways you pay i n JAPAN: http://youtu.be/YUisubvpslI
wn.com/Japan Travel Guide Money In Japan (Japanese Money) 1 Ways You Pay In Japan
Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN (Japanese Money) #1: Ways you pay i n JAPAN: http://youtu.be/YUisubvpslI
I explain Money in Japan.
★Watch another Money in Japan episode!
How to prepare your Japanese Yen #2:
Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA.
I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan!
I explain “Money in Japan”.
I show you Japanese Money and ways you can pay in Japan.
In Japan, there are situations that you can’t use credit cards. So, you need to prepare cash at hand. Even big chain restaurants don’t accept credit cards like many chain belt conveyer sushi restaurants. It means not only small stores or restaurants….
So, Please notice!
★ About tax free: Check the link below!
I’m offering the info about traveling to Japan and working as a guide.
If you’re interested in, Please send me an e-mail!!!
Music: Thank You to Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Thank you so much for watching travel video by Experience JAPAN with YUKA.
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/expjpw
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/yuka_expjapan
My Blog: http://expja.com/ (coming up soon!)
Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss my next exploration.
You can subscribe right here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=expjpw
Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN (Japanese Money) #1: Ways you pay i n JAPAN: http://youtu.be/YUisubvpslI
Money in japan, Japanese money, how to pay in japan, Japan travel, Japanese culture, travel japan, japan travel guide, Japan tourism, japan trip , things to do in japan, Japanese girl, Japan guide, , Travel japan guide, Travel japan tips, Travel japan blog, , Japan travel blog, Japan travel info, Travel Japanese, Japanese travel, learn Japanese, Experience JAPAN with YUKA, YUKA
Japan Travel Guide: Money in JAPAN (Japanese Money) #1: Ways you pay i n JAPAN: http://youtu.be/YUisubvpslI
- published: 03 Nov 2014
- views: 41395
Watch me travelled from Jakarta to Bali to Tokyo, Standing under the Tokyo Tower, Eat 100 Japanese Yen Sushi, Eating Tempura, Crying in Mt. Fuji aka Fujiyama, biking and riding Roller Coaster in Ibraraki!
LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed the video please!
I luh ya, Nessie
Japanese yen resists selling pressure from US dollar
Japanese yen resists selling pressure from US dollar
The Japanese Yen: The Next Currency Set to Fail
View more details at http://certifiedpersonalfinance.com/?user_id=6218
日本東京百円商店尋寶! 100 Japanese Yen shopping in Tokyo 迪斯尼 三麗歐 美樂蒂 凱蒂貓 雙子星 麵包超人 Bento Box Accessories
100 Yen = 0.82 U.S. dollar = 26.99 NT Dollar
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
The 500 yen coins in Japan it was close-up shots. Crafted amazing. . .
It was taken with 【CANON PowerShot SX710HS】.
Shinjuku ~ 100 Yen Shop Haul | Vlogmas #12 | KimDao in JAPAN
In today's video ~ I was too lazy to put on makeup that's why I went out wearing a mask today lol. Went to Shinjuku and did a bit of shopping at the 100yen store, and ended up going to Krispy Kreme to edit some videos!
My MAIN Channel: http://www.youtube.com/kimdao
:::::♥ ♥::::: SEND ME MAIL! :::::♥ ♥:::::
Yummy Japan - KIM DAO
5F Younbancho Bld.
5-6, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo,
102-0081, Japan
:::::♥ ♥
The Effect of Yen Appreciation on Japan's AD Curve
What happens when the Japanese Yen appreciates in value on the open exchange market. Video project for an economics class.
Jim Mellon, -- Japan/"load up on the Nikkei"/Yen -- 2014
Jim Mellon view on the Japan, the Nikkei 225.
James Mellons opinion on the Yen
Daiso (100-yen shop) in Umeda, Osaka, Japan
Daiso is a large franchise of 100-yen shops in Japan, owned by Daiso Sangyo Corp.
500円玉 4種 Japanese 500 yen coin The old and the new and the Commemorative coin.
Japanese 500 yen coin The old and the new and the Commemorative coin. 旧500円硬貨、新500円硬貨、つくばEXPO'85 記念500円硬貨、内閣制度創始100年記念500円硬貨の4種です。
他にも動画多数公開中です! よろしければチャンネルをちょっと覗いていって下さい。あなたのお越しをお待ちしています。Much videos are Now Showing in my channel. Please drop in at my channel if you like.I'm waiting for you. http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnmEn8JgarHY_PIWI2aL05g
∇・・こんな動画もございます。Recommended videos. ・・∇
1円玉 2種類「昔
Japan defense budget likely to top 5 trillion yen for first time
Japan’s defense budget for the next fiscal year is likely to top 40-billion dollars for the first time.
According to government sources, the budget for the 12 months from April 2016 will include funding for the relocation of a controversial US military base in Okinawa Island. It will also be used to fortify an island chain in the East China Sea, close to territory which is also claimed by Beijin
Jim Mellon ** Japan/Abenomics/Yen ** 2013
Jim Mellons view on Japan, Abenomics and the Yen
James Mellon views on Japan and its currency
taken from Jim Mellon 2013 speech
Divergence Trade: Sell Euros Buy Yen
Divergence Trade: Sell Euros Buy Yen
By www.ForexConspiracyReport.com
Forex experts see a new profitable trade in the coming months. Their advice is to forget about the Fed and whether or not it will raise rates or not. Bloomberg Business suggests that a policy-divergence trade is the way to go. Sell Euros and buy Yen.
100 yen shop Japan
Japan-4. How to use the vending machine in Japan. (Example 100 yen) 自動販売機の使い方 (例100円)
★How to use the vending machine in Japan. (Example 100 yen) 自動販売機の使い方 (例100円)
However, English is difficult. しかし、英語は難しい。
It is different in a translation site. 翻訳サイトで異なる。
■YouTube ・・・JAPAN
≫≫≫Play all
≫ペケおやじ(peke oyaji)
Investors stick with greenback and Japanese yen
Investors stick with greenback and Japanese yen
Japan : coin set 1993 with commemorative 500 Yen coin - 1993コインセット
7-coin set from 1993. Subject of the commemorative 500 Yen coin is the Royal wedding of the Crown Prince. Denominations : 1 Yen - 5 Yen - 10 Yen - 50 Yen - 100 Yen - 500 Yen - commemo 500 Yen.記念500円. Mintage : 800.000 sets.
Japanese party popper!100 Yen shop DAISO Japan party goods!!ダイソー 国旗が飛び出るおもしろクラッカー
In Japan, there is an interesting party popper . This party popper is a bunting comes popping out ! It is so active in the party .
Daiso Japan 100 yen shop ou 1 dolar
Daiso a loja que tem de tudo e super barato, a qualidade tbm eh excelente.
Bandila: Christmas tree in Japan costs 100 million yen
Kumikinang na ang ilang bahagi ng mundo dahil sa Christmas lights. Sa Japan, nagkakahalaga ng 100 million yen ang isang platinum Christmas tree. Samantala sa Vatican, nakahanda na rin ang giant Christmas tree. Siyempre dito sa Pilipinas, kumukutitap na rin ang ilang bahay.
Subscribe to the ABS-CBN News channel! - http://bit.ly/TheABSCBNNews
Watch the full episodes of Bandila on TFC.TV
เด็กจิ๋ว@ร้าน 100 Yen Daiso แผนกเครื่องครัว และขนม (Japan 2015#10) [N'Prim W303]
Subscribe หรือสมัครสมาชิกเพื่อติดตามช่องเด็กจิ๋วได้ที่ https://www.youtube.com/DekJewSmallWorld
ติดตามเรื่องราวของเด็กจิ๋วเพิ่มเติมได้จาก https://www.facebook.com/DekJewChillOut และ http://dekjewstory.blogspot.com/
เด็กจิ๋ว@ร้าน 100 Yen Daiso แผนกเครื่องเขียน และของเล่น (Japan 2015#11) [N'Prim W303]
Subscribe หรือสมัครสมาชิกเพื่อติดตามช่องเด็กจิ๋วได้ที่ https://www.youtube.com/DekJewSmallWorld
ติดตามเรื่องราวของเด็กจิ๋วเพิ่มเติมได้จาก https://www.facebook.com/DekJewChillOut และ http://dekjewstory.blogspot.com/
Trade Idea USD/JPY
Trade Idea for London Market session on 17.11.15
During this trade Idea, we'll focus on trading the US Dollar Japanese Yen Major currency pair.
We're looking to take an upward position on US Dollar-Japanese Yen Pair based on the information we have gathered here on STTV.
Here’s our trading plan:
We would buy "CALL" position within the price range of one twenty-three point four fifty to one twenty-
Watch me travelled from Jakarta to Bali to Tokyo, Standing under the Tokyo Tower, Eat 100 Japanese Yen Sushi, Eating Tempura, Crying in Mt. Fuji aka Fujiyama, b...
Watch me travelled from Jakarta to Bali to Tokyo, Standing under the Tokyo Tower, Eat 100 Japanese Yen Sushi, Eating Tempura, Crying in Mt. Fuji aka Fujiyama, biking and riding Roller Coaster in Ibraraki!
LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed the video please!
I luh ya, Nessie
TWITTER: twitter.com/nessiejudge
INSTAGRAM: @nessiejudge
TUMBLR: http://nessiejudge.tumblr.com/
BLOGSPOT: nessiejudge.blogspot.com
ASK.FM: Nessie Judge
Background music :
Youtube Creation Tools
wn.com/Crying In Japan | Vlog
Watch me travelled from Jakarta to Bali to Tokyo, Standing under the Tokyo Tower, Eat 100 Japanese Yen Sushi, Eating Tempura, Crying in Mt. Fuji aka Fujiyama, biking and riding Roller Coaster in Ibraraki!
LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed the video please!
I luh ya, Nessie
TWITTER: twitter.com/nessiejudge
INSTAGRAM: @nessiejudge
TUMBLR: http://nessiejudge.tumblr.com/
BLOGSPOT: nessiejudge.blogspot.com
ASK.FM: Nessie Judge
Background music :
Youtube Creation Tools
- published: 26 Dec 2015
- views: 5035
Japanese yen resists selling pressure from US dollar
Japanese yen resists selling pressure from US dollar
Japanese yen resists selling pressure from US dollar
wn.com/Japanese Yen Resists Selling Pressure From US Dollar
Japanese yen resists selling pressure from US dollar
- published: 21 Dec 2015
- views: 31
The Japanese Yen: The Next Currency Set to Fail
View more details at http://certifiedpersonalfinance.com/?user_id=6218...
View more details at http://certifiedpersonalfinance.com/?user_id=6218
wn.com/The Japanese Yen The Next Currency Set To Fail
View more details at http://certifiedpersonalfinance.com/?user_id=6218
- published: 20 Dec 2015
- views: 0
日本東京百円商店尋寶! 100 Japanese Yen shopping in Tokyo 迪斯尼 三麗歐 美樂蒂 凱蒂貓 雙子星 麵包超人 Bento Box Accessories
100 Yen = 0.82 U.S. dollar = 26.99 NT Dollar
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (https://www.youtube.com/editor)...
100 Yen = 0.82 U.S. dollar = 26.99 NT Dollar
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
wn.com/日本東京百円商店尋寶 100 Japanese Yen Shopping In Tokyo 迪斯尼 三麗歐 美樂蒂 凱蒂貓 雙子星 麵包超人 Bento Box Accessories
100 Yen = 0.82 U.S. dollar = 26.99 NT Dollar
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
- published: 18 Dec 2015
- views: 206
Shinjuku ~ 100 Yen Shop Haul | Vlogmas #12 | KimDao in JAPAN
In today's video ~ I was too lazy to put on makeup that's why I went out wearing a mask today lol. Went to Shinjuku and did a bit of shopping at the 100yen stor...
In today's video ~ I was too lazy to put on makeup that's why I went out wearing a mask today lol. Went to Shinjuku and did a bit of shopping at the 100yen store, and ended up going to Krispy Kreme to edit some videos!
My MAIN Channel: http://www.youtube.com/kimdao
:::::♥ ♥::::: SEND ME MAIL! :::::♥ ♥:::::
Yummy Japan - KIM DAO
5F Younbancho Bld.
5-6, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo,
102-0081, Japan
:::::♥ ♥::::: SUBTITLES :::::♥ ♥:::::
How to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9cKgwnFIAw
Subtitle here: https://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=8g5F3eXHnrM
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Vlog: http://www.youtube.com/kimdaovlog
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For business & sponsorship enquiries ONLY:
wn.com/Shinjuku ~ 100 Yen Shop Haul | Vlogmas 12 | Kimdao In Japan
In today's video ~ I was too lazy to put on makeup that's why I went out wearing a mask today lol. Went to Shinjuku and did a bit of shopping at the 100yen store, and ended up going to Krispy Kreme to edit some videos!
My MAIN Channel: http://www.youtube.com/kimdao
:::::♥ ♥::::: SEND ME MAIL! :::::♥ ♥:::::
Yummy Japan - KIM DAO
5F Younbancho Bld.
5-6, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo,
102-0081, Japan
:::::♥ ♥::::: SUBTITLES :::::♥ ♥:::::
How to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9cKgwnFIAw
Subtitle here: https://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=8g5F3eXHnrM
Oº°‘¨ Main Channel ¨‘°ºO http://www.youtube.com/kimdao
Oº°‘¨ Game Channel ¨‘°ºO http://www.youtube.com/kimdaogame
Oº°‘¨ Instagram ¨‘°ºO http://www.instagram.com/kimdaoblog
Oº°‘¨ Facebook ¨‘°ºO http://www.facebook.com/KimDaoOfficial
Oº°‘¨ Blog ¨‘°ºO http://www.kimdaoblog.com
☆ ----- My Other Channels ----- ☆
Main: http://www.youtube.com/kimdao
Vlog: http://www.youtube.com/kimdaovlog
☆ ----- Contact me ----- ☆
Blog: http://www.kimdaoblog.com/
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/kimdaoblog
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/KimDaoOfficial
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kimdao90
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/kimdao
For business & sponsorship enquiries ONLY:
- published: 12 Dec 2015
- views: 3748
The Effect of Yen Appreciation on Japan's AD Curve
What happens when the Japanese Yen appreciates in value on the open exchange market. Video project for an economics class....
What happens when the Japanese Yen appreciates in value on the open exchange market. Video project for an economics class.
wn.com/The Effect Of Yen Appreciation On Japan's Ad Curve
What happens when the Japanese Yen appreciates in value on the open exchange market. Video project for an economics class.
- published: 09 Dec 2015
- views: 43
Jim Mellon, -- Japan/"load up on the Nikkei"/Yen -- 2014
Jim Mellon view on the Japan, the Nikkei 225.
James Mellons opinion on the Yen...
Jim Mellon view on the Japan, the Nikkei 225.
James Mellons opinion on the Yen
wn.com/Jim Mellon, Japan Load Up On The Nikkei Yen 2014
Jim Mellon view on the Japan, the Nikkei 225.
James Mellons opinion on the Yen
- published: 07 Dec 2015
- views: 1
Daiso (100-yen shop) in Umeda, Osaka, Japan
Daiso is a large franchise of 100-yen shops in Japan, owned by Daiso Sangyo Corp....
Daiso is a large franchise of 100-yen shops in Japan, owned by Daiso Sangyo Corp.
wn.com/Daiso (100 Yen Shop) In Umeda, Osaka, Japan
Daiso is a large franchise of 100-yen shops in Japan, owned by Daiso Sangyo Corp.
- published: 06 Dec 2015
- views: 7
500円玉 4種 Japanese 500 yen coin The old and the new and the Commemorative coin.
Japanese 500 yen coin The old and the new and the Commemorative coin. 旧500円硬貨、新500円硬貨、つくばEXPO'85 記念500円硬貨、内閣制度創始100年記念500円硬貨の4種です。
他にも動画多数公開中です! よろしければチャンネルをちょ...
Japanese 500 yen coin The old and the new and the Commemorative coin. 旧500円硬貨、新500円硬貨、つくばEXPO'85 記念500円硬貨、内閣制度創始100年記念500円硬貨の4種です。
他にも動画多数公開中です! よろしければチャンネルをちょっと覗いていって下さい。あなたのお越しをお待ちしています。Much videos are Now Showing in my channel. Please drop in at my channel if you like.I'm waiting for you. http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnmEn8JgarHY_PIWI2aL05g
∇・・こんな動画もございます。Recommended videos. ・・∇
1円玉 2種類「昔の1円玉」と「2015年現在 使用されている1円玉」Japanese 1 yen coin https://youtu.be/oK2fc8JO6uI
5円玉 2種類「昔の5円玉」と「2015年現在 使用されている5円玉」Japanese 5 yen coin https://youtu.be/fvh1WqzQBSQ
wn.com/500円玉 4種 Japanese 500 Yen Coin The Old And The New And The Commemorative Coin.
Japanese 500 yen coin The old and the new and the Commemorative coin. 旧500円硬貨、新500円硬貨、つくばEXPO'85 記念500円硬貨、内閣制度創始100年記念500円硬貨の4種です。
他にも動画多数公開中です! よろしければチャンネルをちょっと覗いていって下さい。あなたのお越しをお待ちしています。Much videos are Now Showing in my channel. Please drop in at my channel if you like.I'm waiting for you. http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnmEn8JgarHY_PIWI2aL05g
∇・・こんな動画もございます。Recommended videos. ・・∇
1円玉 2種類「昔の1円玉」と「2015年現在 使用されている1円玉」Japanese 1 yen coin https://youtu.be/oK2fc8JO6uI
5円玉 2種類「昔の5円玉」と「2015年現在 使用されている5円玉」Japanese 5 yen coin https://youtu.be/fvh1WqzQBSQ
- published: 06 Dec 2015
- views: 8
Japan defense budget likely to top 5 trillion yen for first time
Japan’s defense budget for the next fiscal year is likely to top 40-billion dollars for the first time.
According to government sources, the budget for the 12...
Japan’s defense budget for the next fiscal year is likely to top 40-billion dollars for the first time.
According to government sources, the budget for the 12 months from April 2016 will include funding for the relocation of a controversial US military base in Okinawa Island. It will also be used to fortify an island chain in the East China Sea, close to territory which is also claimed by Beijing. The budget is expected to be finalized by the cabinet on December 24. If approved, it would be the fourth consecutive rise in spending since Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe took office in 2012.
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wn.com/Japan Defense Budget Likely To Top 5 Trillion Yen For First Time
Japan’s defense budget for the next fiscal year is likely to top 40-billion dollars for the first time.
According to government sources, the budget for the 12 months from April 2016 will include funding for the relocation of a controversial US military base in Okinawa Island. It will also be used to fortify an island chain in the East China Sea, close to territory which is also claimed by Beijing. The budget is expected to be finalized by the cabinet on December 24. If approved, it would be the fourth consecutive rise in spending since Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe took office in 2012.
Watch Live: http://www.presstv.ir/live.html
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SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/videosptv
- published: 04 Dec 2015
- views: 229
Jim Mellon ** Japan/Abenomics/Yen ** 2013
Jim Mellons view on Japan, Abenomics and the Yen
James Mellon views on Japan and its currency
taken from Jim Mellon 2013 speech...
Jim Mellons view on Japan, Abenomics and the Yen
James Mellon views on Japan and its currency
taken from Jim Mellon 2013 speech
wn.com/Jim Mellon Japan Abenomics Yen 2013
Jim Mellons view on Japan, Abenomics and the Yen
James Mellon views on Japan and its currency
taken from Jim Mellon 2013 speech
- published: 02 Dec 2015
- views: 3
Divergence Trade: Sell Euros Buy Yen
Divergence Trade: Sell Euros Buy Yen
By www.ForexConspiracyReport.com
Forex experts ...
Divergence Trade: Sell Euros Buy Yen
By www.ForexConspiracyReport.com
Forex experts see a new profitable trade in the coming months. Their advice is to forget about the Fed and whether or not it will raise rates or not. Bloomberg Business suggests that a policy-divergence trade is the way to go. Sell Euros and buy Yen.
The best way to profit from differences in central banks’ monetary policies is to sell euros and buy yen, according to Nomura Holdings Inc. and Societe Generale SA.
They’re betting the European Central Bank will boost its stimulus program while its Tokyo-based counterpart stands pat -- an expectation that’s reflected in the biggest gap in interest-rate swaps denominated in the euro and yen since the euro’s 1999 debut. The shared currency touched a six-month low versus the yen last week.
“There’s more room for euro depreciation against the yen than the dollar,” said Olivier Korber, a Paris-based strategist at SocGen. “The dollar has already priced in the new Fed rate expectations, while Draghi has been consistent in saying there will be more policy action, and the Bank of Japan’s lack of action means there is no catalyst for a weaker yen.”
Central bank policy or anticipated policies are driving Forex markets. And when monetary policies diverge there is a profit to be made. The divergence trade is to sell euros and buy yen.
Other traders have developed an appetite for risk and are selling the Euros in favor of more volatile currencies such as the Australian dollar according to Reuters. This risk appetite is driving the Euro lower and the AUD higher.
The euro dipped against a broadly stronger dollar on Tuesday, as investors regained some risk appetite and sold the single currency in favour of riskier ones such as the Australian dollar.
As global stocks hit a 2 1/2-month high, the euro followed European bond yields lower, falling 0.4 percent at $1.0969 . The single currency is increasingly used to fund so-called "carry-trades" in which investors borrow a low-yielding currency and sell it to buy a higher-yielding one.
The Australian dollar, which is viewed as high-risk among developed world currencies and which is closely linked to the Chinese economy, fell as much as 0.9 percent against the dollar after the Reserve Bank of Australia declined to cut interest rates further.
In this case traders are looking at the potential for profitable technical trading as China woes drive the AUD up and down. The divergence trade to sell euro and buy yen is based on central bank driven fundamentals.
The divergence of monetary policy between the EU and Japan has to do with their struggles against a strong dollar. Seeking Alpha asks how low they can go in relation to both the yen and euro.
The euro is being pressured against the US dollar as a result of quantitative easing in Europe, low-to-negative yields and economic uncertainty.
The Japanese yen is struggling against the US dollar as exports stall and Japan pursues an accommodative monetary policy.
Conditions in both Europe and Japan are propping up the US dollar and making a strong case for low volatility investing and currency hedging.
Japan is experiencing similar outcomes for slightly different reasons. The Japanese economy shows signs of softening and it appears the trade sector is feeling the pain of slower global growth. Japanese exports increased only 0.6% on a year-over-year basis in September, and have decelerated of late.
If the Japanese choose to strengthen the Yen a divergence trade of selling euros and buying yen will be successful.
wn.com/Divergence Trade Sell Euros Buy Yen
Divergence Trade: Sell Euros Buy Yen
By www.ForexConspiracyReport.com
Forex experts see a new profitable trade in the coming months. Their advice is to forget about the Fed and whether or not it will raise rates or not. Bloomberg Business suggests that a policy-divergence trade is the way to go. Sell Euros and buy Yen.
The best way to profit from differences in central banks’ monetary policies is to sell euros and buy yen, according to Nomura Holdings Inc. and Societe Generale SA.
They’re betting the European Central Bank will boost its stimulus program while its Tokyo-based counterpart stands pat -- an expectation that’s reflected in the biggest gap in interest-rate swaps denominated in the euro and yen since the euro’s 1999 debut. The shared currency touched a six-month low versus the yen last week.
“There’s more room for euro depreciation against the yen than the dollar,” said Olivier Korber, a Paris-based strategist at SocGen. “The dollar has already priced in the new Fed rate expectations, while Draghi has been consistent in saying there will be more policy action, and the Bank of Japan’s lack of action means there is no catalyst for a weaker yen.”
Central bank policy or anticipated policies are driving Forex markets. And when monetary policies diverge there is a profit to be made. The divergence trade is to sell euros and buy yen.
Other traders have developed an appetite for risk and are selling the Euros in favor of more volatile currencies such as the Australian dollar according to Reuters. This risk appetite is driving the Euro lower and the AUD higher.
The euro dipped against a broadly stronger dollar on Tuesday, as investors regained some risk appetite and sold the single currency in favour of riskier ones such as the Australian dollar.
As global stocks hit a 2 1/2-month high, the euro followed European bond yields lower, falling 0.4 percent at $1.0969 . The single currency is increasingly used to fund so-called "carry-trades" in which investors borrow a low-yielding currency and sell it to buy a higher-yielding one.
The Australian dollar, which is viewed as high-risk among developed world currencies and which is closely linked to the Chinese economy, fell as much as 0.9 percent against the dollar after the Reserve Bank of Australia declined to cut interest rates further.
In this case traders are looking at the potential for profitable technical trading as China woes drive the AUD up and down. The divergence trade to sell euro and buy yen is based on central bank driven fundamentals.
The divergence of monetary policy between the EU and Japan has to do with their struggles against a strong dollar. Seeking Alpha asks how low they can go in relation to both the yen and euro.
The euro is being pressured against the US dollar as a result of quantitative easing in Europe, low-to-negative yields and economic uncertainty.
The Japanese yen is struggling against the US dollar as exports stall and Japan pursues an accommodative monetary policy.
Conditions in both Europe and Japan are propping up the US dollar and making a strong case for low volatility investing and currency hedging.
Japan is experiencing similar outcomes for slightly different reasons. The Japanese economy shows signs of softening and it appears the trade sector is feeling the pain of slower global growth. Japanese exports increased only 0.6% on a year-over-year basis in September, and have decelerated of late.
If the Japanese choose to strengthen the Yen a divergence trade of selling euros and buying yen will be successful.
- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 0
Japan-4. How to use the vending machine in Japan. (Example 100 yen) 自動販売機の使い方 (例100円)
★How to use the vending machine in Japan. (Example 100 yen) 自動販売機の使い方 (例100円)
However, English is difficult. しかし、英語は難しい。
It is different in a translation site...
★How to use the vending machine in Japan. (Example 100 yen) 自動販売機の使い方 (例100円)
However, English is difficult. しかし、英語は難しい。
It is different in a translation site. 翻訳サイトで異なる。
■YouTube ・・・JAPAN
≫≫≫Play all
≫ペケおやじ(peke oyaji)
■HP(PC only)
wn.com/Japan 4. How To Use The Vending Machine In Japan. (Example 100 Yen) 自動販売機の使い方 (例100円)
★How to use the vending machine in Japan. (Example 100 yen) 自動販売機の使い方 (例100円)
However, English is difficult. しかし、英語は難しい。
It is different in a translation site. 翻訳サイトで異なる。
■YouTube ・・・JAPAN
≫≫≫Play all
≫ペケおやじ(peke oyaji)
■HP(PC only)
- published: 25 Nov 2015
- views: 7
Investors stick with greenback and Japanese yen
Investors stick with greenback and Japanese yen
Investors stick with greenback and Japanese yen
wn.com/Investors Stick With Greenback And Japanese Yen
Investors stick with greenback and Japanese yen
- published: 24 Nov 2015
- views: 9
Japan : coin set 1993 with commemorative 500 Yen coin - 1993コインセット
7-coin set from 1993. Subject of the commemorative 500 Yen coin is the Royal wedding of the Crown Prince. Denominations : 1 Yen - 5 Yen - 10 Yen - 50 Yen - 100 ...
7-coin set from 1993. Subject of the commemorative 500 Yen coin is the Royal wedding of the Crown Prince. Denominations : 1 Yen - 5 Yen - 10 Yen - 50 Yen - 100 Yen - 500 Yen - commemo 500 Yen.記念500円. Mintage : 800.000 sets.
wn.com/Japan Coin Set 1993 With Commemorative 500 Yen Coin 1993コインセット
7-coin set from 1993. Subject of the commemorative 500 Yen coin is the Royal wedding of the Crown Prince. Denominations : 1 Yen - 5 Yen - 10 Yen - 50 Yen - 100 Yen - 500 Yen - commemo 500 Yen.記念500円. Mintage : 800.000 sets.
- published: 22 Nov 2015
- views: 0
Japanese party popper!100 Yen shop DAISO Japan party goods!!ダイソー 国旗が飛び出るおもしろクラッカー
In Japan, there is an interesting party popper . This party popper is a bunting comes popping out ! It is so active in the party .
In Japan, there is an interesting party popper . This party popper is a bunting comes popping out ! It is so active in the party .
wn.com/Japanese Party Popper 100 Yen Shop Daiso Japan Party Goods ダイソー 国旗が飛び出るおもしろクラッカー
In Japan, there is an interesting party popper . This party popper is a bunting comes popping out ! It is so active in the party .
- published: 21 Nov 2015
- views: 8
Daiso Japan 100 yen shop ou 1 dolar
Daiso a loja que tem de tudo e super barato, a qualidade tbm eh excelente....
Daiso a loja que tem de tudo e super barato, a qualidade tbm eh excelente.
wn.com/Daiso Japan 100 Yen Shop Ou 1 Dolar
Daiso a loja que tem de tudo e super barato, a qualidade tbm eh excelente.
- published: 20 Nov 2015
- views: 42
Bandila: Christmas tree in Japan costs 100 million yen
Kumikinang na ang ilang bahagi ng mundo dahil sa Christmas lights. Sa Japan, nagkakahalaga ng 100 million yen ang isang platinum Christmas tree. Samantala sa Va...
Kumikinang na ang ilang bahagi ng mundo dahil sa Christmas lights. Sa Japan, nagkakahalaga ng 100 million yen ang isang platinum Christmas tree. Samantala sa Vatican, nakahanda na rin ang giant Christmas tree. Siyempre dito sa Pilipinas, kumukutitap na rin ang ilang bahay.
Subscribe to the ABS-CBN News channel! - http://bit.ly/TheABSCBNNews
Watch the full episodes of Bandila on TFC.TV
and on IWANT.TV for Philippine viewers, click:
Visit our website at http://www.abs-cbnnews.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/abscbnNEWS
Twitter: https://twitter.com/abscbnnews
wn.com/Bandila Christmas Tree In Japan Costs 100 Million Yen
Kumikinang na ang ilang bahagi ng mundo dahil sa Christmas lights. Sa Japan, nagkakahalaga ng 100 million yen ang isang platinum Christmas tree. Samantala sa Vatican, nakahanda na rin ang giant Christmas tree. Siyempre dito sa Pilipinas, kumukutitap na rin ang ilang bahay.
Subscribe to the ABS-CBN News channel! - http://bit.ly/TheABSCBNNews
Watch the full episodes of Bandila on TFC.TV
and on IWANT.TV for Philippine viewers, click:
Visit our website at http://www.abs-cbnnews.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/abscbnNEWS
Twitter: https://twitter.com/abscbnnews
- published: 19 Nov 2015
- views: 1503
เด็กจิ๋ว@ร้าน 100 Yen Daiso แผนกเครื่องครัว และขนม (Japan 2015#10) [N'Prim W303]
Subscribe หรือสมัครสมาชิกเพื่อติดตามช่องเด็กจิ๋วได้ที่ https://www.youtube.com/DekJewSmallWorld
ติดตามเรื่องราวของเด็กจิ๋วเพิ่มเติมได้จาก https://www.faceboo...
Subscribe หรือสมัครสมาชิกเพื่อติดตามช่องเด็กจิ๋วได้ที่ https://www.youtube.com/DekJewSmallWorld
ติดตามเรื่องราวของเด็กจิ๋วเพิ่มเติมได้จาก https://www.facebook.com/DekJewChillOut และ http://dekjewstory.blogspot.com/
wn.com/เด็กจิ๋ว ร้าน 100 Yen Daiso แผนกเครื่องครัว และขนม (Japan 2015 10) N'Prim W303
Subscribe หรือสมัครสมาชิกเพื่อติดตามช่องเด็กจิ๋วได้ที่ https://www.youtube.com/DekJewSmallWorld
ติดตามเรื่องราวของเด็กจิ๋วเพิ่มเติมได้จาก https://www.facebook.com/DekJewChillOut และ http://dekjewstory.blogspot.com/
- published: 18 Nov 2015
- views: 56911
เด็กจิ๋ว@ร้าน 100 Yen Daiso แผนกเครื่องเขียน และของเล่น (Japan 2015#11) [N'Prim W303]
Subscribe หรือสมัครสมาชิกเพื่อติดตามช่องเด็กจิ๋วได้ที่ https://www.youtube.com/DekJewSmallWorld
ติดตามเรื่องราวของเด็กจิ๋วเพิ่มเติมได้จาก https://www.faceboo...
Subscribe หรือสมัครสมาชิกเพื่อติดตามช่องเด็กจิ๋วได้ที่ https://www.youtube.com/DekJewSmallWorld
ติดตามเรื่องราวของเด็กจิ๋วเพิ่มเติมได้จาก https://www.facebook.com/DekJewChillOut และ http://dekjewstory.blogspot.com/
wn.com/เด็กจิ๋ว ร้าน 100 Yen Daiso แผนกเครื่องเขียน และของเล่น (Japan 2015 11) N'Prim W303
Subscribe หรือสมัครสมาชิกเพื่อติดตามช่องเด็กจิ๋วได้ที่ https://www.youtube.com/DekJewSmallWorld
ติดตามเรื่องราวของเด็กจิ๋วเพิ่มเติมได้จาก https://www.facebook.com/DekJewChillOut และ http://dekjewstory.blogspot.com/
- published: 19 Nov 2015
- views: 53306
Trade Idea USD/JPY
Trade Idea for London Market session on 17.11.15
During this trade Idea, we'll focus on trading the US Dollar Japanese Yen Major currency pair.
We're looking to...
Trade Idea for London Market session on 17.11.15
During this trade Idea, we'll focus on trading the US Dollar Japanese Yen Major currency pair.
We're looking to take an upward position on US Dollar-Japanese Yen Pair based on the information we have gathered here on STTV.
Here’s our trading plan:
We would buy "CALL" position within the price range of one twenty-three point four fifty to one twenty-three point five hundred
Our estimated expiry time should be before 1:30 pm GMT.
Bear in mind that unless prices are not exactly within our entry rates, we will not enter a trade.
Want to understand how we came up with this trade idea? Subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out our blog @ supertradertv.com.
wn.com/Trade Idea USD JPY
Trade Idea for London Market session on 17.11.15
During this trade Idea, we'll focus on trading the US Dollar Japanese Yen Major currency pair.
We're looking to take an upward position on US Dollar-Japanese Yen Pair based on the information we have gathered here on STTV.
Here’s our trading plan:
We would buy "CALL" position within the price range of one twenty-three point four fifty to one twenty-three point five hundred
Our estimated expiry time should be before 1:30 pm GMT.
Bear in mind that unless prices are not exactly within our entry rates, we will not enter a trade.
Want to understand how we came up with this trade idea? Subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out our blog @ supertradertv.com.
- published: 17 Nov 2015
- views: 11
Relaxing Music - 3 HOURS | Zen Garden | - Sleep Music - Spa Music - Meditation - Therapy
Relaxing Asian (Japan / Chinese) Zen Music. Music therapy for soul healing.
Enjoy Calm music for Meditation, Sound therapy, Zen meditation, Massage, Sleeping Music and Relaxing. Just concentrate and imagine...
For more relaxation and meditation music please subscribe my channel
not for read - Further relaxed tags:
relaxing music, relaxation music, music for stuying, musi
Cut Above Award + 100 Yen Love Q&A; - Japan Cuts 2015
100 Yen Love
百円の恋 (Hyaku Yen no Koi)
Thursday, July 16, 8:45 PM
Introduction and Q&A; with star Sakura Ando, with CUT ABOVE award ceremony
Moderated by Joel Neville Anderson (JAPAN CUTS 2015 Programmer), with interpreter Marie Iida.
Followed by the PUNCH LOVE Party!
Play video games
Forex Technical Update 3/12/2011 - A Look at the Japanese Yen Crosses
http://www.fxtimes.com - Forex News, Analysis, Education, Commentaries, Webinars, Live Events and More The Japanese Yen can become erratic after Friday's Ear...
Currency War: Japanese Yen & British Pound are Leading the Race to Debase
In this podcast, Wall St for Main St gave an update on the ongoing currency war. We discussed why the Yen will be the first currency to collapse, followed by...
Ep 55 Tokyo Tonight: Japan Election, Sony Hack, Falling Yen
Listen to the audio version HERE
Subscribe to new J-Vlogger J Philosopher!
Congrats to this week's Swag winner
Subscribe for more! (and like if you enjoy!)
Currency Wars Heating Up!
The next two weeks will present some catalysts for the currency world with some major rate announcements. Merlin takes a look at the global purchasing power of the dollar, and how he uses it to chose his vacations, then offers some analysis of the US Dollar, Japanese Yen, and Euro.
James Corbett: Japan is Playing With Fire
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St welcomed back returning guest, James Corbett of The Corbett Report https://www.corbettreport.com/
In this 30+ minute interview, Jason asks James about why China is dumping US Treasuries?
James thinks China felt it's currency dropped too much in value and it had to sell a large amount of its US Treasury holdings to stabilize the currency.
Next, Jason asks Jam
How To Trade The British Pound Japanese Yen Currency Pair
http://www.stochastic-macd.com/forextradingeducation.htm A trading video tutorial that shows Forex traders and investors how to trade the Pound-Yen currency ...
Forex EUR vs Japanese Yen
Duration : 1 January 2013 - 8 January 2015
EUR vs Japanese Yen
Initial Deposit : 1500
Gross Profit : 5452
Gross Loss : 1950
NET Profit : 3502
Drowdown : 29 %
Name of EA : oom_bali
System : Indicator True_2080_37_60
do you want to Use this EA ..??
email : bayufx_oombali@yahoo.co.id
FX Trading US Dollar-Japanese Yen 2015
Learn to trade FX and US Dollar-Japanese Yen like an expert.
Improve trading results by applying the most effective trading
Start improving day and swing trading.
Trading courses
Day trade: https://www.udemy.com/day-trading-24
Swing trade: https://www.udemy.com/trading-24
Related video
Forex Trading Euro-Dollar 2015
Tres Knippa: The Yen's Cliff Dive Has Started
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on returning guest Tres Kippa http://shortjapandebt.com/ to talk about the Japanese Yen, the Japanese economy and the Japanese government bond market.
Tres is a longtime successful Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) floor trader and he started a fund that is structured so the individual investor can short the Japanese Yen and Japanese government bonds.
yen dina 2015 vs thai boxing Japan This Week Khmer Boxing 2015
yen dina vs thai boxer 2015,yen dina vs thai 2015,yen dina vs lao chantrea 2015,yen dina fight in thailand 2015,yen dina vs thong bang 2015
The Post-war History of the Japanese Yen: An International View
Hiroshi Ogai
Political science professor
1000YEN BEATS VINYL ATTACK! a beat-making short-film
Similar to "SECONDHAND SURESHOTS" (2008), this is a short-film about musicians in Japan who create beats out of records with a limited set amount (¥1000) to buy those records... 1000 YEN ≃...
Yen Dina VS YU SUKE (Japan) | 01 Nov 2014 | Apsara Boxing 01 11 2014 | Khmer Boxing 2014
Web Blog: http://khmernews2016.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/home.php
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Live-TV/1474697586125883 | |
And we also upload Talk Show, Pekmi Group Comedy, Angkor BesDong Khmer Concert, Khmer news, Hang Meas, Carabao Tourism Concert, Hang Meas Water Music Concert, A1 Concert, Sunday Concert, Hang Meas HDTV, CTN, MY TV, TVK, Bayon TV, Bayon N
Music Zen Garden
Documental - 100 Yen - La Experiencia Arcade Japonesa - Sub Esp - Parte 1
Documental sobre la evolución de los salones arcade de video juegos y la cultura que los rodea, desde su nacimiento hasta los salones que todavía sobreviven en Japón.
Bodyguards And Assassins 2009 Donnie Yen Full Movies Eng sub
In 1906 Hong Kong, a newspaper editor and a tycoon learn of an assassination plot against Sun Yat-sen, and recruit a small band of ordinary men and women to protect him.
Initial release: December 18, 2009 (China)
Director: Teddy Chan
Running time: 139 minutes
Initial DVD release: February 8, 2011 (France)
Music composed by: Peter Kam, Chan Kwong-wing
Relaxing Music - 3 HOURS | Zen Garden | - Sleep Music - Spa Music - Meditation - Therapy
Relaxing Asian (Japan / Chinese) Zen Music. Music therapy for soul healing.
Enjoy Calm music for Meditation, Sound therapy, Zen meditation, Massage, Sleeping Mu...
Relaxing Asian (Japan / Chinese) Zen Music. Music therapy for soul healing.
Enjoy Calm music for Meditation, Sound therapy, Zen meditation, Massage, Sleeping Music and Relaxing. Just concentrate and imagine...
For more relaxation and meditation music please subscribe my channel
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mood music instrumental, soft music .
wn.com/Relaxing Music 3 Hours | Zen Garden | Sleep Music Spa Music Meditation Therapy
Relaxing Asian (Japan / Chinese) Zen Music. Music therapy for soul healing.
Enjoy Calm music for Meditation, Sound therapy, Zen meditation, Massage, Sleeping Music and Relaxing. Just concentrate and imagine...
For more relaxation and meditation music please subscribe my channel
not for read - Further relaxed tags:
relaxing music, relaxation music, music for stuying, music for learning, background music, music for meditation, music to relax, instrumental music, minecraft music, study music, music for homework, yoga music, spiritual music, ambient music, relaxdaily, chillout, slow music, piano music, soothing music, new age music, peaceful music, beautiful music, anti-stress music, sleep music, entspannungsmusik, musica relax, relaxing music, musica rilassante, spiritualismo, zen music, massage music, spa music, enya, soundtrack, soft music, slow music, musica anti-stress, ea games, healing music, wellness music, piano music, guitar music, mood music, youtube music, relax music playlist, 16:9, HD, tranquil music, slow instrumental, peaceful music, positive, minecraft, game music, slow background music, music for meditation, musica relax, wonderful music, chill study music, musica chillout, chillout study music, relax daily, nujabes, new age music playlist, musica de relax, homework music relaxing, musica rilassante playlist, ambient music for studying, music for relax, soft instrumental music, blank and jones, best soft music, peaceful tunes, soft tunes, peaceful background music, peace music, positive background music, soothing background music, entspannungsmusik baby, baby music, soothing music, relaxing study music, guitar music, musica zen, royality free music, slow music instrumental, background music instrumental, slow instrumental music, slow instrumentals
mood music instrumental, soft music .
- published: 21 Dec 2013
- views: 1631501
Cut Above Award + 100 Yen Love Q&A; - Japan Cuts 2015
100 Yen Love
百円の恋 (Hyaku Yen no Koi)
Thursday, July 16, 8:45 PM
100 Yen Love
百円の恋 (Hyaku Yen no Koi)
Thursday, July 16, 8:45 PM
Introduction and Q&A; with star Sakura Ando, with CUT ABOVE award ceremony
Moderated by Joel Neville Anderson (JAPAN CUTS 2015 Programmer), with interpreter Marie Iida.
Followed by the PUNCH LOVE Party!
Play video games with your nephew when he gets home from school, pick up junk food at the local ¥100 convenience store, and pass out reading manga. Such is the life of Ichiko Saito (played by the luminous Sakura Ando), a 32 year old living at home with her parents and recently divorced sister. When their working class home gets too small for both sisters, her mother pushes Ichiko into the world and she gets a job at the nearby konbini. She befriends a gruff amateur boxer (Hirofumi Arai), but cruel reality soon pushes her to don the gloves herself. As Derek Elley of Film Business Asia writes, “Ando triumphs in [this] quirky tale of a social misfit's transformation,” exceeding all expectations in a physical performance of absurd comedy and deep pathos.
Japan. 2014. 113 min. DCP, in Japanese with English subtitles. Directed by Masaharu Take. With Sakura Ando, Hirofumi Arai, Miyoko Inagawa, Saori Koide, Yozaburo Ito.
“The best performance of (Ando’s) so-far brilliant career” -Mark Schilling, The Japan Times
Part of JAPAN CUTS 2015.
Recipient of the CUT ABOVE Award for Outstanding Performance in Film
Sakura Ando appeared on the independent film scene in the late 2000s, rapidly establishing a reputation as a brave and unpredictable performer across comedy and drama with her debut in Eiji Okuda’s Out of the Wind and breakout supporting roles in Sion Sono’s Love Exposure, Yuki Tanada’s Ain’t No Tomorrows, Yu Irie’s 8000 Miles 2: Girls Rapper, and Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s Penance. With physically and emotionally demanding performances she has distinguished herself in increasing lead roles such as in Yong-hi Yang’s Our Homeland and is recognized as one of the most highly respected actresses in the industry, recently ranked as the 8th Best Japanese Actress of all time by Kinema Junpo. She was nominated for Best Actress at the studio-driven 38th Japanese Academy Awards for her role in the independent 0.5mm, and awarded the 88th Kinema Junpo Award for 100 Yen Love and 0.5mm.
wn.com/Cut Above Award 100 Yen Love Q A Japan Cuts 2015
100 Yen Love
百円の恋 (Hyaku Yen no Koi)
Thursday, July 16, 8:45 PM
Introduction and Q&A; with star Sakura Ando, with CUT ABOVE award ceremony
Moderated by Joel Neville Anderson (JAPAN CUTS 2015 Programmer), with interpreter Marie Iida.
Followed by the PUNCH LOVE Party!
Play video games with your nephew when he gets home from school, pick up junk food at the local ¥100 convenience store, and pass out reading manga. Such is the life of Ichiko Saito (played by the luminous Sakura Ando), a 32 year old living at home with her parents and recently divorced sister. When their working class home gets too small for both sisters, her mother pushes Ichiko into the world and she gets a job at the nearby konbini. She befriends a gruff amateur boxer (Hirofumi Arai), but cruel reality soon pushes her to don the gloves herself. As Derek Elley of Film Business Asia writes, “Ando triumphs in [this] quirky tale of a social misfit's transformation,” exceeding all expectations in a physical performance of absurd comedy and deep pathos.
Japan. 2014. 113 min. DCP, in Japanese with English subtitles. Directed by Masaharu Take. With Sakura Ando, Hirofumi Arai, Miyoko Inagawa, Saori Koide, Yozaburo Ito.
“The best performance of (Ando’s) so-far brilliant career” -Mark Schilling, The Japan Times
Part of JAPAN CUTS 2015.
Recipient of the CUT ABOVE Award for Outstanding Performance in Film
Sakura Ando appeared on the independent film scene in the late 2000s, rapidly establishing a reputation as a brave and unpredictable performer across comedy and drama with her debut in Eiji Okuda’s Out of the Wind and breakout supporting roles in Sion Sono’s Love Exposure, Yuki Tanada’s Ain’t No Tomorrows, Yu Irie’s 8000 Miles 2: Girls Rapper, and Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s Penance. With physically and emotionally demanding performances she has distinguished herself in increasing lead roles such as in Yong-hi Yang’s Our Homeland and is recognized as one of the most highly respected actresses in the industry, recently ranked as the 8th Best Japanese Actress of all time by Kinema Junpo. She was nominated for Best Actress at the studio-driven 38th Japanese Academy Awards for her role in the independent 0.5mm, and awarded the 88th Kinema Junpo Award for 100 Yen Love and 0.5mm.
- published: 15 Sep 2015
- views: 26
Forex Technical Update 3/12/2011 - A Look at the Japanese Yen Crosses
http://www.fxtimes.com - Forex News, Analysis, Education, Commentaries, Webinars, Live Events and More The Japanese Yen can become erratic after Friday's Ear......
http://www.fxtimes.com - Forex News, Analysis, Education, Commentaries, Webinars, Live Events and More The Japanese Yen can become erratic after Friday's Ear...
wn.com/Forex Technical Update 3 12 2011 A Look At The Japanese Yen Crosses
http://www.fxtimes.com - Forex News, Analysis, Education, Commentaries, Webinars, Live Events and More The Japanese Yen can become erratic after Friday's Ear...
- published: 12 Mar 2011
- views: 711
author: FXTimes
Currency War: Japanese Yen & British Pound are Leading the Race to Debase
In this podcast, Wall St for Main St gave an update on the ongoing currency war. We discussed why the Yen will be the first currency to collapse, followed by......
In this podcast, Wall St for Main St gave an update on the ongoing currency war. We discussed why the Yen will be the first currency to collapse, followed by...
wn.com/Currency War Japanese Yen British Pound Are Leading The Race To Debase
In this podcast, Wall St for Main St gave an update on the ongoing currency war. We discussed why the Yen will be the first currency to collapse, followed by...
Ep 55 Tokyo Tonight: Japan Election, Sony Hack, Falling Yen
Listen to the audio version HERE
Subscribe to ...
Listen to the audio version HERE
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Watch Two and a Half Oyajis LIVE every Wednesday at 10:30pm JST
Watch Tokyo Tonight LIVE every Sunday at 11pm JST
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Tokyo Tonight Video Topics Magazine
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Intro Music: "Taiko Drums" by Rocavaco (CC-BY)
About Me
Hi! I'm a Kiwi video blogger based in Tokyo for nearly 15 years. As well as a weekly talk show I do each Wednesday with Gimmeaflakeman talking about life in Japan, I make videos about life in Tokyo and greater Japan, talking about topics from Japanese language, to lifestyle tips, to politics and culture. I also make videos in Japanese with English subtitles for those who want bilingual content. Subscribe to see regular vids!
wn.com/Ep 55 Tokyo Tonight Japan Election, Sony Hack, Falling Yen
Listen to the audio version HERE
Subscribe to new J-Vlogger J Philosopher!
Congrats to this week's Swag winner
Subscribe for more! (and like if you enjoy!)
Tweet a suggested show title for Tokyo Tonight to the Twitter Tag #tokyotonight and be in to win some SWAG!
Get your SWAG on!
Watch Two and a Half Oyajis LIVE every Wednesday at 10:30pm JST
Watch Tokyo Tonight LIVE every Sunday at 11pm JST
Listen to Audio Versions of Tokyo Tonight on SoundCloud
Tokyo Tonight Video Topics Magazine
Connect with me!
Intro Music: "Taiko Drums" by Rocavaco (CC-BY)
About Me
Hi! I'm a Kiwi video blogger based in Tokyo for nearly 15 years. As well as a weekly talk show I do each Wednesday with Gimmeaflakeman talking about life in Japan, I make videos about life in Tokyo and greater Japan, talking about topics from Japanese language, to lifestyle tips, to politics and culture. I also make videos in Japanese with English subtitles for those who want bilingual content. Subscribe to see regular vids!
- published: 14 Dec 2014
- views: 1734
Currency Wars Heating Up!
The next two weeks will present some catalysts for the currency world with some major rate announcements. Merlin takes a look at the global purchasing power of ...
The next two weeks will present some catalysts for the currency world with some major rate announcements. Merlin takes a look at the global purchasing power of the dollar, and how he uses it to chose his vacations, then offers some analysis of the US Dollar, Japanese Yen, and Euro.
wn.com/Currency Wars Heating Up
The next two weeks will present some catalysts for the currency world with some major rate announcements. Merlin takes a look at the global purchasing power of the dollar, and how he uses it to chose his vacations, then offers some analysis of the US Dollar, Japanese Yen, and Euro.
- published: 09 Dec 2015
- views: 94
James Corbett: Japan is Playing With Fire
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St welcomed back returning guest, James Corbett of The Corbett Report https://www.corbettreport.com/
In this 30+ minute interv...
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St welcomed back returning guest, James Corbett of The Corbett Report https://www.corbettreport.com/
In this 30+ minute interview, Jason asks James about why China is dumping US Treasuries?
James thinks China felt it's currency dropped too much in value and it had to sell a large amount of its US Treasury holdings to stabilize the currency.
Next, Jason asks James if he thinks Japan, South Korea and other Asian countries will retaliate against China in another round of currency wars for China's devaluation?
James thinks the currency wars between Asian countries never stopped and will continue unabated.
Jason then asks James why he thinks the Yen hasn't collapsed yet? They discuss Japan's debt problem and how Japan may be in the process of doing a debt for equity swap throughout their entire society.
Jason then asks James about whether Japan is helping prop up the US stock market and US Treasury markets because there's a 1:1 correlation with the Yen falling and the US stock market rising.
James thinks Japan's government does what they are told to help the US government and US markets out at Japan's own expense.
Jason talks about how this has happened throughout history as well.
Jason and James discuss the Chinese economy, their gold holdings and whether the Chinese government will collapse.
James thinks the worse the Chinese government gets, the more physical gold holdings they will announce to keep the people calm and that if the Chinese economy were to totally collapse, it would accelerate the Chinese government being overthrown.
To wrap up the interview, Jason asks James about Japan's investment in robotics and why the Japanese seem so interested in being the leaders in robotics.
Please visit the Wall St for Main St website here: http://www.wallstformainst.com/
Follow Jason Burack on Twitter @JasonEBurack
Follow Mo Dawoud on Twitter @m0dawoud
Follow Wall St for Main St on Twitter @WallStforMainSt
Also, please take 5 minutes to leave us a good iTunes review here! https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/wall-street-for-main-street/id506204437
If you feel like donating fiat, Bitcoin, gold or silver, Wall St for Main St accepts donations on our main website.
Wall St for Main St is also available for personalized investor education and consulting! Please email us to learn more about it!
wn.com/James Corbett Japan Is Playing With Fire
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St welcomed back returning guest, James Corbett of The Corbett Report https://www.corbettreport.com/
In this 30+ minute interview, Jason asks James about why China is dumping US Treasuries?
James thinks China felt it's currency dropped too much in value and it had to sell a large amount of its US Treasury holdings to stabilize the currency.
Next, Jason asks James if he thinks Japan, South Korea and other Asian countries will retaliate against China in another round of currency wars for China's devaluation?
James thinks the currency wars between Asian countries never stopped and will continue unabated.
Jason then asks James why he thinks the Yen hasn't collapsed yet? They discuss Japan's debt problem and how Japan may be in the process of doing a debt for equity swap throughout their entire society.
Jason then asks James about whether Japan is helping prop up the US stock market and US Treasury markets because there's a 1:1 correlation with the Yen falling and the US stock market rising.
James thinks Japan's government does what they are told to help the US government and US markets out at Japan's own expense.
Jason talks about how this has happened throughout history as well.
Jason and James discuss the Chinese economy, their gold holdings and whether the Chinese government will collapse.
James thinks the worse the Chinese government gets, the more physical gold holdings they will announce to keep the people calm and that if the Chinese economy were to totally collapse, it would accelerate the Chinese government being overthrown.
To wrap up the interview, Jason asks James about Japan's investment in robotics and why the Japanese seem so interested in being the leaders in robotics.
Please visit the Wall St for Main St website here: http://www.wallstformainst.com/
Follow Jason Burack on Twitter @JasonEBurack
Follow Mo Dawoud on Twitter @m0dawoud
Follow Wall St for Main St on Twitter @WallStforMainSt
Also, please take 5 minutes to leave us a good iTunes review here! https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/wall-street-for-main-street/id506204437
If you feel like donating fiat, Bitcoin, gold or silver, Wall St for Main St accepts donations on our main website.
Wall St for Main St is also available for personalized investor education and consulting! Please email us to learn more about it!
- published: 25 Sep 2015
- views: 110
How To Trade The British Pound Japanese Yen Currency Pair
http://www.stochastic-macd.com/forextradingeducation.htm A trading video tutorial that shows Forex traders and investors how to trade the Pound-Yen currency ......
http://www.stochastic-macd.com/forextradingeducation.htm A trading video tutorial that shows Forex traders and investors how to trade the Pound-Yen currency ...
wn.com/How To Trade The British Pound Japanese Yen Currency Pair
http://www.stochastic-macd.com/forextradingeducation.htm A trading video tutorial that shows Forex traders and investors how to trade the Pound-Yen currency ...
- published: 12 May 2014
- views: 107
author: georgetrio
Forex EUR vs Japanese Yen
Duration : 1 January 2013 - 8 January 2015
EUR vs Japanese Yen
Initial Deposit : 1500
Gross Profit : 5452
Gross Loss : 1950
NET Profit : 3502
Drowdown : 29...
Duration : 1 January 2013 - 8 January 2015
EUR vs Japanese Yen
Initial Deposit : 1500
Gross Profit : 5452
Gross Loss : 1950
NET Profit : 3502
Drowdown : 29 %
Name of EA : oom_bali
System : Indicator True_2080_37_60
do you want to Use this EA ..??
email : bayufx_oombali@yahoo.co.id
wn.com/Forex EUR Vs Japanese Yen
Duration : 1 January 2013 - 8 January 2015
EUR vs Japanese Yen
Initial Deposit : 1500
Gross Profit : 5452
Gross Loss : 1950
NET Profit : 3502
Drowdown : 29 %
Name of EA : oom_bali
System : Indicator True_2080_37_60
do you want to Use this EA ..??
email : bayufx_oombali@yahoo.co.id
- published: 12 Jan 2015
- views: 9
FX Trading US Dollar-Japanese Yen 2015
Learn to trade FX and US Dollar-Japanese Yen like an expert.
Improve trading results by applying the most effective trading
Learn to trade FX and US Dollar-Japanese Yen like an expert.
Improve trading results by applying the most effective trading
Start improving day and swing trading.
Trading courses
Day trade: https://www.udemy.com/day-trading-24
Swing trade: https://www.udemy.com/trading-24
Related video
Forex Trading Euro-Dollar 2015
wn.com/Fx Trading US Dollar Japanese Yen 2015
Learn to trade FX and US Dollar-Japanese Yen like an expert.
Improve trading results by applying the most effective trading
Start improving day and swing trading.
Trading courses
Day trade: https://www.udemy.com/day-trading-24
Swing trade: https://www.udemy.com/trading-24
Related video
Forex Trading Euro-Dollar 2015
- published: 21 Feb 2015
- views: 0
Tres Knippa: The Yen's Cliff Dive Has Started
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on returning guest Tres Kippa http://shortjapandebt.com/ to talk about the Japanese Yen, the Japanese economy and the Ja...
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on returning guest Tres Kippa http://shortjapandebt.com/ to talk about the Japanese Yen, the Japanese economy and the Japanese government bond market.
Tres is a longtime successful Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) floor trader and he started a fund that is structured so the individual investor can short the Japanese Yen and Japanese government bonds.
During this 30+ minute interview, Tres updates listeners about the Japanese economy and how GDP has come in under expectations because of higher inflation and because the Japanese government has just about doubled the VAT tax.
Jason and Tres talk about how Japan has a basic math problem. Japan's debt principle will never be paid back but now Japan is struggling to pay the interest payments on its debt with artificially low interest rates thanks to financial repression and Japan's central bank manipulating interest rates down.
Jason and Tres discuss the different possible ways Japan can keep the game going and avoid a bond market collapse.
Jason and Tres talk about how Japan is going to end up a case study for why Keynesian Economics aka Mercantilism does not work and how the best case scenario for Japan is stagflation.
Tres thinks shorting the Japanese Yen is a good hedge for Americans, gold investors and investors who think there will be much worse inflation all over the globe going forward.
Please visit the Wall St for Main St website here http://www.wallstformainst.com/
Follow Jason Burack on Twitter @JasonEBurack
Follow Mo Dawoud on Twitter @m0dawoud
Follow John Manfreda on Twitter @JohnManfreda
Follow Wall St for Main St on Twitter @WallStforMainSt
Also, please take 5 minutes to leave us a good iTunes review here! https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/wall-street-for-main-street/id506204437
If you feel like donating fiat, Bitcoin, gold or silver, Wall St for Main St accepts donations on our main website.
Wall St for Main St is also available for personalized investor education and consulting! Please email us to learn more about it!
wn.com/Tres Knippa The Yen's Cliff Dive Has Started
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on returning guest Tres Kippa http://shortjapandebt.com/ to talk about the Japanese Yen, the Japanese economy and the Japanese government bond market.
Tres is a longtime successful Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) floor trader and he started a fund that is structured so the individual investor can short the Japanese Yen and Japanese government bonds.
During this 30+ minute interview, Tres updates listeners about the Japanese economy and how GDP has come in under expectations because of higher inflation and because the Japanese government has just about doubled the VAT tax.
Jason and Tres talk about how Japan has a basic math problem. Japan's debt principle will never be paid back but now Japan is struggling to pay the interest payments on its debt with artificially low interest rates thanks to financial repression and Japan's central bank manipulating interest rates down.
Jason and Tres discuss the different possible ways Japan can keep the game going and avoid a bond market collapse.
Jason and Tres talk about how Japan is going to end up a case study for why Keynesian Economics aka Mercantilism does not work and how the best case scenario for Japan is stagflation.
Tres thinks shorting the Japanese Yen is a good hedge for Americans, gold investors and investors who think there will be much worse inflation all over the globe going forward.
Please visit the Wall St for Main St website here http://www.wallstformainst.com/
Follow Jason Burack on Twitter @JasonEBurack
Follow Mo Dawoud on Twitter @m0dawoud
Follow John Manfreda on Twitter @JohnManfreda
Follow Wall St for Main St on Twitter @WallStforMainSt
Also, please take 5 minutes to leave us a good iTunes review here! https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/wall-street-for-main-street/id506204437
If you feel like donating fiat, Bitcoin, gold or silver, Wall St for Main St accepts donations on our main website.
Wall St for Main St is also available for personalized investor education and consulting! Please email us to learn more about it!
- published: 02 Oct 2014
- views: 193
yen dina 2015 vs thai boxing Japan This Week Khmer Boxing 2015
yen dina vs thai boxer 2015,yen dina vs thai 2015,yen dina vs lao chantrea 2015,yen dina fight in thailand 2015,yen dina vs thong bang 2015...
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wn.com/Yen Dina 2015 Vs Thai Boxing Japan This Week Khmer Boxing 2015
yen dina vs thai boxer 2015,yen dina vs thai 2015,yen dina vs lao chantrea 2015,yen dina fight in thailand 2015,yen dina vs thong bang 2015
- published: 12 Mar 2015
- views: 252
1000YEN BEATS VINYL ATTACK! a beat-making short-film
Similar to "SECONDHAND SURESHOTS" (2008), this is a short-film about musicians in Japan who create beats out of records with a limited set amount (¥1000) to buy...
Similar to "SECONDHAND SURESHOTS" (2008), this is a short-film about musicians in Japan who create beats out of records with a limited set amount (¥1000) to buy those records... 1000 YEN ≃...
wn.com/1000Yen Beats Vinyl Attack A Beat Making Short Film
Similar to "SECONDHAND SURESHOTS" (2008), this is a short-film about musicians in Japan who create beats out of records with a limited set amount (¥1000) to buy those records... 1000 YEN ≃...
Yen Dina VS YU SUKE (Japan) | 01 Nov 2014 | Apsara Boxing 01 11 2014 | Khmer Boxing 2014
Web Blog: http://khmernews2016.blogspot.com/
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Live-TV/1474697586125883 | |...
Web Blog: http://khmernews2016.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/home.php
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Live-TV/1474697586125883 | |
And we also upload Talk Show, Pekmi Group Comedy, Angkor BesDong Khmer Concert, Khmer news, Hang Meas, Carabao Tourism Concert, Hang Meas Water Music Concert, A1 Concert, Sunday Concert, Hang Meas HDTV, CTN, MY TV, TVK, Bayon TV, Bayon News, TV5, TV3, SEATV, CTV8 HD, PPCTV, Apsara, Cambodia Association TV, Penh Jet Ort, Khmer Entertainment, Coca Cola Concert, No Laughing, God Prize, Special Concert, Modern Concert, Minute to win it, Freshy Winner, I and You, Black Boxes, CTN Channel 21, please subscribe my channel.
Ctn Boxing, Mytv Warrior Boxing, Bayon TV Boxing, Bayon News Boxing, TV3 Boxing, TV5 Boxing, ONEFC, Khmer Traditional Boxing, Pradal Serey (Martial Art), Vung Noy, Khmer Traditional, Wrestling(Martian Art), Cambodia Boxing, CTN Angkor Boxing, Khmer Fighter, Thai Fight, Keo Rumchong, Football Highlight, Naga Corp, Tampines Rovers, Boeung Ket FC, Phnom Penh Crown, Eh Phouthong, Metfone Cambodia League, Hun Sen Cup
kun khmer is an unarmed martial art from Cambodia.In Khmer the word pradal means fighting or boxing and serey means free. Kun Khmer is considered one of Cambodia's national sports. Kun Khmer is a kickboxing form descended directly from early forms of khmer fighting techniques that went by the name Yuthakun Khom. Its moves have been slightly altered to comply with the modern rules.
kun khmer is most well known for its kicking technique, which generates power from hip rotation rather than snapping the leg, Kun Khmer consists of four types of strikes: punches, kicks, elbows and knee strikes. The clinch is used to wear down the opponent. In the clinch, opponents battle for dominant position for short range strikes by way of elbows and knees. Scholars believe that all South East Asian Indochinese kickboxing styles originate from what is thought to be the migrated Indian kingdom of Funan just prior to the creation of the Khmer Empire; consequentially Kun Khmer
By: Oha Da TV
Web Blog: http://khmernews2016.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/home.php
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/dashboard?o=U
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Live-TV/1474697586125883
Video Title: Yen Dina VS YU SUKE (Japan) | 01 Nov 2014 | Apsara Boxing 01 11 2014 | Khmer Boxing 2014
This Video URL: http://youtu.be/OuNBl7UKzC4
wn.com/Yen Dina Vs Yu Suke (Japan) | 01 Nov 2014 | Apsara Boxing 01 11 2014 | Khmer Boxing 2014
Web Blog: http://khmernews2016.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/home.php
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Live-TV/1474697586125883 | |
And we also upload Talk Show, Pekmi Group Comedy, Angkor BesDong Khmer Concert, Khmer news, Hang Meas, Carabao Tourism Concert, Hang Meas Water Music Concert, A1 Concert, Sunday Concert, Hang Meas HDTV, CTN, MY TV, TVK, Bayon TV, Bayon News, TV5, TV3, SEATV, CTV8 HD, PPCTV, Apsara, Cambodia Association TV, Penh Jet Ort, Khmer Entertainment, Coca Cola Concert, No Laughing, God Prize, Special Concert, Modern Concert, Minute to win it, Freshy Winner, I and You, Black Boxes, CTN Channel 21, please subscribe my channel.
Ctn Boxing, Mytv Warrior Boxing, Bayon TV Boxing, Bayon News Boxing, TV3 Boxing, TV5 Boxing, ONEFC, Khmer Traditional Boxing, Pradal Serey (Martial Art), Vung Noy, Khmer Traditional, Wrestling(Martian Art), Cambodia Boxing, CTN Angkor Boxing, Khmer Fighter, Thai Fight, Keo Rumchong, Football Highlight, Naga Corp, Tampines Rovers, Boeung Ket FC, Phnom Penh Crown, Eh Phouthong, Metfone Cambodia League, Hun Sen Cup
kun khmer is an unarmed martial art from Cambodia.In Khmer the word pradal means fighting or boxing and serey means free. Kun Khmer is considered one of Cambodia's national sports. Kun Khmer is a kickboxing form descended directly from early forms of khmer fighting techniques that went by the name Yuthakun Khom. Its moves have been slightly altered to comply with the modern rules.
kun khmer is most well known for its kicking technique, which generates power from hip rotation rather than snapping the leg, Kun Khmer consists of four types of strikes: punches, kicks, elbows and knee strikes. The clinch is used to wear down the opponent. In the clinch, opponents battle for dominant position for short range strikes by way of elbows and knees. Scholars believe that all South East Asian Indochinese kickboxing styles originate from what is thought to be the migrated Indian kingdom of Funan just prior to the creation of the Khmer Empire; consequentially Kun Khmer
By: Oha Da TV
Web Blog: http://khmernews2016.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/home.php
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/dashboard?o=U
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Live-TV/1474697586125883
Video Title: Yen Dina VS YU SUKE (Japan) | 01 Nov 2014 | Apsara Boxing 01 11 2014 | Khmer Boxing 2014
This Video URL: http://youtu.be/OuNBl7UKzC4
- published: 01 Nov 2014
- views: 42
Documental - 100 Yen - La Experiencia Arcade Japonesa - Sub Esp - Parte 1
Documental sobre la evolución de los salones arcade de video juegos y la cultura que los rodea, desde su nacimiento hasta los salones que todavía sobreviven en ...
Documental sobre la evolución de los salones arcade de video juegos y la cultura que los rodea, desde su nacimiento hasta los salones que todavía sobreviven en Japón.
wn.com/Documental 100 Yen La Experiencia Arcade Japonesa Sub Esp Parte 1
Documental sobre la evolución de los salones arcade de video juegos y la cultura que los rodea, desde su nacimiento hasta los salones que todavía sobreviven en Japón.
- published: 06 Nov 2014
- views: 20
Bodyguards And Assassins 2009 Donnie Yen Full Movies Eng sub
In 1906 Hong Kong, a newspaper editor and a tycoon learn of an assassination plot against Sun Yat-sen, and recruit a small band of ordinary men and women to pro...
In 1906 Hong Kong, a newspaper editor and a tycoon learn of an assassination plot against Sun Yat-sen, and recruit a small band of ordinary men and women to protect him.
Initial release: December 18, 2009 (China)
Director: Teddy Chan
Running time: 139 minutes
Initial DVD release: February 8, 2011 (France)
Music composed by: Peter Kam, Chan Kwong-wing
wn.com/Bodyguards And Assassins 2009 Donnie Yen Full Movies Eng Sub
In 1906 Hong Kong, a newspaper editor and a tycoon learn of an assassination plot against Sun Yat-sen, and recruit a small band of ordinary men and women to protect him.
Initial release: December 18, 2009 (China)
Director: Teddy Chan
Running time: 139 minutes
Initial DVD release: February 8, 2011 (France)
Music composed by: Peter Kam, Chan Kwong-wing
- published: 08 Mar 2015
- views: 0